Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
AIA_Configuration |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Analysis configuration |
AIA_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
AIA_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
AIA_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
AIA_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
AIA_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
AIA_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
BPS environment (DEV/TEST/PROD) independent identifier |
int |
DocTypeAssocciations ForeignKey |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_AIAnalysisConfigurations_DocTypeAssocciations |
AIAnalysisConfigurations |
PK_DocTypeAssocciation |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_AIAnalysisConfigurations |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_AIAnalysisConfigurations_Guid |
Yes |
100 |
IX_AIAnalysisConfigurations_AIA_ASSID |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
AFS_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
AFS_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
AFS_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
AFS_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
AFS_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
AFS_Address |
varchar(250) |
Local IP address of front-end |
AFS_HeartBeat |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last registered heartbeat of front-end |
AFS_StartTime |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Start time of front-end |
AFS_Name |
varchar(255) |
Name of the fronton |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
int |
Definition identifier |
int |
Step identifier |
TSK_AssignTypeID |
int |
((1)) |
Assign type |
TSK_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSK_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
TSK_IsDeleted |
bit |
((0)) |
A flag indicating whether the row is deleted |
TSK_ElementWasDisplayed |
bit |
((0)) |
Determines if task was diplayed |
TSK_IsFinished |
bit |
((0)) |
Determines if task is finished |
TSK_ActualCreatedTasks |
int |
Yes |
Actual created tasks |
int |
Yes |
Historical version identifier |
TSK_Version |
int |
((0)) |
Task version |
int |
Yes |
Task identifier for which the current task is a substitution for |
TSK_ManualCover |
bit |
((0)) |
Determines whether the substitution is added manually or automatically (1 = manually, 0 = automatically) |
TSK_DurationToFinish |
int |
((0)) |
Time remaining to finish the task |
TSK_FinishedByUser |
bit |
((0)) |
Determines if the task was finished by the user |
TSK_FinishDate |
datetime |
Yes |
Task completion date |
TSK_FormID |
int |
Yes |
Task form identifier |
TSK_AllowCover |
bit |
((1)) |
Determines if covers are available |
TSK_FinishedByAdmin |
bit |
Yes |
Determines if the task was finished by the admin |
TSK_WFHIDTaskFinished |
int |
Yes |
Historical version of the task in which it was completed |
TSK_AssignKind |
int |
Yes |
Task assign kind |
TSK_Flag |
int |
((1)) |
Determines if task is flagged |
TSK_Overdue |
bit |
((0)) |
Specifies whether task is expired |
TSK_OverdueDate |
datetime |
Yes |
Specifies when task expired |
TSK_Name |
varchar(50) |
Yes |
Tasks name |
TSK_Description |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Tasks description |
TSK_User |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
User who performed the task |
TSK_UserName |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Display name of user who performed the task |
TSK_ExecutorLogin |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Login of user from group who has finished the task |
TSK_ExecutorName |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Display name of user from group who has finished the task |
TSK_ToGroup |
bit |
Specifies if task was assigned to the group |
int |
Company ID |
TSK_FinishPath |
varchar(100) |
Yes |
Finish path |
TSK_DeskDescription |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Description of the business rule used to determine to which users tasks will be assigned. Used only in Designer Desk projects. |
TSK_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
TSK_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
TSK_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ActiveTasks_DicAssignTypes |
ActiveTasks |
PK_DicAssignTypes |
FK_ActiveTasks_Companies |
ActiveTasks |
PK_Companies |
FK_ActiveTasks_DicTaskFlags |
ActiveTasks |
PK_DicTaskFlags |
FK_ActiveTasks_WFStepForms |
ActiveTasks |
PK_WFStepForms |
FK_ActiveTasks_ActiveTasks_OrgID |
ActiveTasks |
PK_ActiveTasks |
FK_ActiveTasks_WFSteps |
ActiveTasks |
PK_WFSteps |
FK_ActiveTasks_WFElements |
ActiveTasks |
PK_WFData |
FK_ActiveTasks_WFHistoryElements |
ActiveTasks |
PK_WFHistory |
FK_ActiveTasks_WFHistoryElements_TaskFinished |
ActiveTasks |
PK_WFHistory |
FK_ActiveTasks_ActiveTasks_OrgID |
ActiveTasks |
PK_ActiveTasks |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_ActiveTasks |
Yes |
Yes |
0 |
IX_ActiveTasks_OrgID |
100 |
IX_ActiveTasks_User |
100 |
IX_ActiveTasks_WFDID |
100 |
IX_ActiveTasks_WFDID_AssignTypeID_IsFinished_WFHID_User_OrgID |
100 |
IX_ActiveTasks_WFHID |
100 |
IX_ActiveTasksIs_Deleted_WFDID_STPID_WFHID |
100 |
IX_ActiveTasks_WFHIDTaskFinished |
100 |
IX_ActiveTasks_FormID |
100 |
IX_ActiveTasks_STPID |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
WSAL_Version |
varchar(10) |
Web Service version |
WSAL_MethodName |
varchar(2047) |
WSAL_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Date and time of invoking a method |
WSAL_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
User invoking a method – in the login#displayed_name format |
varchar(50) |
Yes |
IP of the computer invoking a method |
WSAL_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Row version |
WSAL_RegisteredAppLogin |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
REST API caller login |
WSAL_ErrorGuid |
varchar(36) |
Yes |
Guid of correlated error log |
int |
Yes |
Content database ID that the event occured on |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
DML_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
DML_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
DML_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
DML_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
DML_BranchNumber |
varchar(50) |
Branch number at the start of migration |
DML_DBVersion |
int |
Version number at the start of migration |
DML_InstallerVersion |
varchar(50) |
Installer version |
DML_ScriptID |
int |
Migration script ID |
DML_ScriptBranchNumber |
varchar(50) |
Migration script branch number |
DML_DBType |
int |
Database type: 0 - Configuration, 1 - Content, 2 - Attachments |
DML_DBName |
varchar(250) |
Database on which the script is executed |
DML_ScriptExecutionStatus |
int |
Script execution status: 0 - Success, 1 - Error, 2 - Info |
DML_ScriptMessage |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Executed script message |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_AdminDBScriptInfos |
Yes |
Yes |
0 |
UQ_AdminDBScriptInfos_Guid |
Yes |
0 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
ID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Name |
Description |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Description |
StackTrace |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
StackTrace |
TSInsert |
datetime |
Yes |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
ManagedThreadId |
int |
Yes |
Thread ID |
Category |
nvarchar(200) |
Yes |
Category |
AdditionalMessage |
nvarchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Additional message |
ElementId |
int |
Yes |
Workflow instance identifier which refers to a row in WFElements table |
Duration |
int |
Yes |
Duration |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
FLO_FolderType |
int |
Folder type – HotMailBox or HotFolder (DicHotType) |
FLO_Status |
int |
Information type(DicStatus) |
FLO_FolderName |
varchar(500) |
Folder name |
FLO_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
FLO_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
FLO_Message |
varchar(MAX) |
Message |
FLO_Description |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Description |
FLO_PageCount |
int |
Yes |
Page count |
FLO_ExecutionID |
varchar(100) |
Yes |
Execution ID |
FLO_ActivityID |
int |
Yes |
Service activity ID |
int |
Yes |
Column contains HotFolder ID |
int |
Yes |
Column contains HotMailBox ID |
FLO_ServiceID |
int |
Yes |
Service's ID |
FLO_HostName |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Name of the machine on which service was running |
FLO_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_AdminFileProcessingLogs |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
HMPI_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
HMPI_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
HMPI_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
HMPI_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
HMPI_ModifiedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
int |
HotMailBox identifier which refers to a row in HotMailBoxs table |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Mail identifier which refers to a row in WFMails table |
HMPI_AttachmentID |
varchar(MAX) |
Attachment identifier which refers to a row in WFDataAttachmets table |
HMPI_ProcessingFinishedDate |
datetime |
Date when the element was processed |
HMPI_ProcessingStatus |
int |
Element processing status: 0 - Success, 1 - Error, 2 - ExistsInDatabase, 3 - NotProcessed, 4 - FromIsolatedStorage |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_AdminHotMailboxLogs_HotMailBoxes |
AdminHotMailboxLogs |
PK_HotMailBoxs |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
bigint |
Yes |
Identifier |
PL_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
PL_PluginID |
int |
Plugin id |
PL_OperationGuid |
varchar(36) |
Yes |
Guid for same operation logs |
PL_SourceID |
int |
Yes |
Source id which triggered the plugin |
PL_ElementID |
int |
Yes |
Element id |
PL_LogType |
int |
Int value of logtype enum |
PL_LogMessage |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
String value of logs |
PL_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_AdminPluginLogs |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
IX_AdminPluginLogs_PluginID |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
bigint |
Yes |
Log id. |
SL_ServiceID |
int |
Service id. |
SL_ManagedThreadID |
int |
Thread id. |
SL_Title |
varchar(1000) |
Yes |
Title of log. |
SL_Message |
nvarchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Main content of log. |
SL_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Time of insert. |
SL_Category |
varchar(200) |
Yes |
Category of log. |
SL_Role |
int |
Yes |
Role of service. |
SL_Status |
varchar(100) |
Status of log. |
SL_ContentDbId |
int |
Yes |
Column shows content database id |
SL_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Row version |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
TEV_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TEV_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
TEV_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
int |
Logging session (TSE_Sessions) foreign key |
TEV_UserTime |
datetime |
User logging date and time |
TEV_Category |
int |
Log category type |
TEV_ExecutionTime |
int |
Yes |
Execution time (in milliseconds) |
TEV_DbId |
int |
Yes |
Database identifier |
TEV_AppId |
int |
Yes |
Application identifier |
TEV_Data |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Trace entry data |
TEV_Severity |
int |
((1000)) |
Severity level of event |
TEV_Type |
int |
((1)) |
Type of event |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_AdminTraceEvents_AdminTraceSessions |
AdminTraceEvents |
PK_AdminTraceSessions |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_AdminTraceEvents |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
IX_AdminTraceEvents_TSEID |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
TSE_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSE_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
TSE_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
TSE_SessionGuid |
varchar(36) |
Guid of logging sessions |
TSE_UserTime |
datetime |
User logging date and time |
TSE_UserLogin |
varchar(255) |
User login |
TSE_UserLanguage |
varchar(50) |
User language |
TSE_UserBrowserData |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
User browser optional data |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_AdminTraceEvents_AdminTraceSessions |
AdminTraceEvents |
PK_AdminTraceSessions |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_AdminTraceSessions |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
IX_U_AdminTraceSessions_SessionGuid |
Yes |
80 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
bigint |
Yes |
Identifier |
WEL_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
WEL_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
WEL_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
int |
Yes |
ID of element connected with log |
WEL_Level |
int |
Level of importance |
WEL_Source |
int |
Event category |
WEL_Category |
int |
Category |
WEL_Name |
varchar(1000) |
Name of event |
WEL_DateAndTime |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Time of occurrence |
WEL_ManagedThreadID |
int |
Managed thread ID |
int |
Yes |
Definios ID |
int |
Yes |
Content database ID |
WEL_ErrorGuid |
varchar(36) |
Yes |
Error identifier |
WEL_LogMetadata |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Stores log metadata, e.g. used by user list cache |
WEL_Details |
nvarchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Log details |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_AdminWFEventLogs_DicLogCategories |
AdminWFEventLogs |
PK_DicLogCategories |
FK_AdminWFEventLogs_DicLogSources |
AdminWFEventLogs |
PK_DicLogSources |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_AdminWFEventLogs |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
IX_AdminWFEventLogs_WEL_Category |
80 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
AIQ_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Insert date |
AIQ_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Update date |
AIQ_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Row version |
int |
Yes |
Analyzed process |
AIQ_Operation |
int |
Performed operation |
AIQ_Priority |
int |
Priority |
AIQ_Status |
int |
Processing status |
AIQ_ServiceName |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Processing service name |
AIQ_AttemptsNumber |
int |
((0)) |
Processing attempts number |
AIQ_LastAttemptTime |
datetime |
Yes |
Last Attempt Time |
AIQ_LastError |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Last Error |
AIQ_ThreadId |
int |
Yes |
Processing Thread Id |
AIQ_ProcessingFinishedTime |
datetime |
Yes |
Processing finished time |
AIQ_DateFrom |
datetime |
Yes |
Analyzed items start date |
AIQ_DateTo |
datetime |
Yes |
Analyzed items end date |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_AiAnalysisQueueItems_WFDefinitions |
AiAnalysisQueueItems |
PK_WFDefinitions |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
int |
Application Identifier |
int |
Process Identifier |
int |
Workflow Identifier |
int |
Step Identifier |
ADA_ElementsCount |
int |
((0)) |
Amount of elements |
ADA_ActiveElementsCount |
int |
((0)) |
Amount of active elements |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_AnalyticsDocumentsAggregates |
Yes |
Yes |
0 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
int |
Yes |
Application Identifier |
int |
Yes |
Definition Identifier |
int |
Yes |
WorkFlow Identifier |
int |
Yes |
Step Identifier |
AEA_Date |
date(10) |
Yes |
Date |
int |
Yes |
Document type ID |
AEA_User |
varchar(600) |
Yes |
Involved UserName |
AEA_FinishedTasksDurationSum |
bigint |
((0)) |
Summary of finished tasks duration (in seconds) |
AEA_FinishedTasksCount |
int |
((0)) |
Finished tasks count |
AEA_FinishedTasksInvolvedUsers |
int |
((0)) |
Finished tasks involved users |
AEA_FormEditDurationSum |
bigint |
((0)) |
Summary of form edit duration (in seconds) |
AEA_FormEditHistoryVersionsCount |
int |
((0)) |
Form edit history versions count |
AEA_FormEditElementsCount |
int |
((0)) |
Form edit elements count |
AEA_FormFinishedEditDurationSum |
bigint |
((0)) |
Summary of finished form edit duration (in seconds) |
AEA_FinishedTasksOverdueTasksSum |
int |
((0)) |
Amount of overdue tasks |
AEA_StepEnterCount |
int |
((0)) |
Step enter count |
AEA_StepReEnterCount |
int |
((0)) |
Step reenter count |
AEA_TimeInStepSum |
bigint |
((0)) |
Time spend in step |
AEA_TimeInStepElementsCount |
int |
((0)) |
Amount of elements |
AEA_UserId |
varchar(600) |
Yes |
Yes |
User BPSID |
AEA_UserName |
varchar(600) |
Yes |
Yes |
User display name |
AEA_FormFinishedEditHistoryVersionsCount |
int |
((0)) |
Finished form history versions count |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_AnalyticsElementsAggregates |
Yes |
Yes |
0 |
IX_AnalyticsElementsAggregates_APPID_DEFID_WFID_STPID |
0 |
IX_AnalyticsElementsAggregates_DEFID_WFID_STPID |
0 |
IX_AnalyticsElementsAggregates_WFID_STPID |
0 |
IX_AnalyticsElementsAggregates_STPID |
0 |
IX_AnalyticsElementsAggregates_APPID_DEFID_WFID_STPID_Date_User |
0 |
IX_AnalyticsElementsAggregates_USERID |
0 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
int |
Workflow Identifier |
int |
Path Identifier |
APA_Date |
date(10) |
Date |
int |
Document type ID |
APA_User |
varchar(600) |
Yes |
User name |
APA_PathTransitionsCount |
bigint |
((0)) |
Amount of path transitions |
APA_RePathTransitionsCount |
bigint |
((0)) |
Amount of path retransitions |
APA_UserId |
varchar(600) |
Yes |
Yes |
User BPSID |
APA_UserName |
varchar(600) |
Yes |
Yes |
User display name |
APA_NextStepId |
int |
Next step ID |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_AnalyticsPathsAggregates |
Yes |
Yes |
0 |
IX_AnalyticsPathsAggregates_USERID |
0 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
int |
Foreign key to PerformanceIndicators table |
int |
Foreign key to Workflows table |
APIA_Date |
date(10) |
Date |
APIA_ActualTimeSum |
bigint |
((0)) |
Sum of actual time per performance indicator in workflow grouped by date |
APIA_ActualTimeCount |
int |
((0)) |
Count of performance indicator in workflow grouped by date |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_AnalyticsPerformanceIndicatorsAggregates |
Yes |
Yes |
0 |
IX_AnalyticsPerformanceIndicatorsAggregates_WFID_Date_PIID |
0 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
ASTP_Name |
varchar(50) |
Name of analytics steps |
int |
Related wfStep identifier |
ASTP_AvgStepDurationByHours |
int |
Yes |
Average step duration (by hours) |
ASTP_AvgEditDurationBySec |
int |
Yes |
Average edit duration (by second) |
ASTP_Count |
int |
Yes |
Count |
ASTP_AvgStepDurationInLast365DaysByHours |
int |
Yes |
Average step duration in last 365 days (by hours) |
ASTP_AvgEditDurationInLast365DaysBySec |
int |
Yes |
Average edit duration in last 365 days (by second) |
ASTP_CountLast365Days |
int |
Yes |
Count in the last 365 days |
ASTP_AvgStepDurationInCurrentYearByHours |
int |
Yes |
Average step duration in current year (by hours) |
ASTP_AvgEditDurationInCurrentYearBySec |
int |
Yes |
Average edit duration in current year (by second) |
ASTP_CountCurrentYear |
int |
Yes |
Count (current year) |
ASTP_AvgStepDurationInLast30daysByHours |
int |
Yes |
Average step duration in last 30 days (by hours) |
ASTP_AvgEditDurationInLast30daysBySec |
int |
Yes |
Average edit duration in last 30 days (by second) |
ASTP_CountLast30Days |
int |
Yes |
Count (last 30 days) |
ASTP_AvgStepDurationInMonthBeforeByHours |
int |
Yes |
Average step duration in month before (by hours) |
ASTP_AvgEditDurationInMonthBeforeBySec |
int |
Yes |
Average edit duration in month before (by second) |
ASTP_CountMonthBefore |
int |
Yes |
Count (month before) |
ASTP_Trend |
int |
Yes |
Trend |
ASTP_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
ASTP_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
ASTP_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
ASTP_AvgStepDurationInWorkingDays |
decimal(20,2) |
Yes |
Average step duration in working days |
ASTP_AvgStepDurationInLast365DaysInWorkingDays |
decimal(20,2) |
Yes |
Average step duration in last 365 days |
ASTP_AvgStepDurationInCurrentYearInWorkingDays |
decimal(20,2) |
Yes |
Average step duration in current year |
ASTP_AvgStepDurationInLast30daysInWorkingDays |
decimal(20,2) |
Yes |
Average step duration in last 30 days |
ASTP_AvgStepDurationInMonthBeforeInWorkingDays |
decimal(20,2) |
Yes |
Average step duration in month before |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_AnalyticsSteps_WFSteps |
AnalyticsSteps |
PK_WFSteps |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
AUSR_Name |
varchar(50) |
Name of analytics user |
int |
Related wfStep identifier |
AUSR_UserName |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
User name |
AUSR_UserLogin |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
User login |
AUSR_AvgStepDurationByHours |
int |
Yes |
Average step duration (by hours) |
AUSR_AvgEditDurationBySec |
int |
Yes |
Average step duration (by second) |
AUSR_Count |
int |
Yes |
Count |
AUSR_AvgStepDurationInLast365DaysByHours |
int |
Yes |
Average step duration in last 365 days (by hours) |
AUSR_AvgEditDurationInLast365DaysBySec |
int |
Yes |
Average edit duration in last 365 days (by second) |
AUSR_CountLast365Days |
int |
Yes |
Count (last 365 days) |
AUSR_AvgStepDurationInCurrentYearByHours |
int |
Yes |
Average step duration in current year (by hours) |
AUSR_AvgEditDurationInCurrentYearBySec |
int |
Yes |
Average step duration in current year (by second) |
AUSR_CountCurrentYear |
int |
Yes |
Count (current year) |
AUSR_AvgStepDurationInLast30daysByHours |
int |
Yes |
Average step duration in last 30 days (by hours) |
AUSR_AvgEditDurationInLast30daysBySec |
int |
Yes |
Average edit duration in last 30 days (by second) |
AUSR_CountLast30Days |
int |
Yes |
Count (last 30 days) |
AUSR_AvgStepDurationInMonthBeforeByHours |
int |
Yes |
Average step duration in month before (by hours) |
AUSR_AvgEditDurationInMonthBeforeBySec |
int |
Yes |
Average edit duration in month before (by second) |
AUSR_CountMonthBefore |
int |
Yes |
Count (month before) |
AUSR_Trend |
int |
Yes |
Trend |
AUSR_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
AUSR_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
AUSR_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
AUSR_AvgStepDurationInWorkingDays |
decimal(20,2) |
Yes |
Average step duration in working days |
AUSR_AvgStepDurationInLast365DaysInWorkingDays |
decimal(20,2) |
Yes |
Average step duration in last 365 days (in working days) |
AUSR_AvgStepDurationInCurrentYearInWorkingDays |
decimal(20,2) |
Yes |
Average step duration in current year (in working days) |
AUSR_AvgStepDurationInLast30daysInWorkingDays |
decimal(20,2) |
Yes |
Average step duration in last 30 days (in working days) |
AUSR_AvgStepDurationInMonthBeforeInWorkingDays |
decimal(20,2) |
Yes |
Average step duration in month before (in working days) |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_AnalyticsUsers_WFSteps |
AnalyticsUsers |
PK_WFSteps |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
int |
WFApplications foreign key |
ADS_Name |
varchar(100) |
Name of dashboard |
ADS_Description |
varchar(500) |
Description of dashboard |
ADS_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
ADS_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
ADS_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
ADS_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Guid of dashboard |
ADS_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
ADS_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
ADS_Configuration |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Dashboard configuration |
ADS_BreakSecurityInheritance |
bit |
((0)) |
Tells if security inheritance is broken |
ADS_SaveStamp |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Save stamp |
ADS_Abbreviation |
varchar(3) |
Yes |
Dashboard abbreviation |
ADS_Order |
int |
((0)) |
Order of application dashboards |
ADS_IsDefault |
bit |
((0)) |
Default dashboard |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_AppDashboards_WFApplications |
AppDashboards |
PK_WFApplications |
FK_AppSuggestions_AppDashboards |
AppSuggestions |
PK_AppDashboards |
FK_WFConfigurationSecurities_AppDashboards |
WFConfigurationSecurities |
PK_AppDashboards |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_AppDashboards |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_AppDashboards_Guid |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_AppDashboards_IsDefault |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_AppDashboards_Order |
Yes |
100 |
IX_AppDashboards_ADS_APPID |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
ADCA_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Guid |
ADCA_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
ADCA_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
ADCA_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
ADCA_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
ADCA_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
int |
Application identifier |
int |
Data connection identifier |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_AppDataConnectionAssocs_WFApplications |
AppDataConnectionAssocs |
PK_WFApplications |
FK_AppDataConnectionAssocs_WFDataConnections |
AppDataConnectionAssocs |
PK_WFDataConnections |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_AppDataConnectionAssocs |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_AppDataConnectionAssocs_Guid |
Yes |
100 |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_AppDataSourceAssocs_WFApplications |
AppDataSourceAssocs |
PK_WFApplications |
FK_AppDataSourceAssocs_WFDataSources |
AppDataSourceAssocs |
PK_WFDataSources |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_AppDataSourceAssocs |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_AppDataSourceAssocs_Guid |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
AED_Name |
varchar(50) |
Name of explore definition |
AED_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
AED_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
AED_UserName |
varchar(255) |
User name |
AED_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
AED_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Entry unique identifier for import export mechanism |
AED_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
AED_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
AED_BreakSecurityInheritance |
bit |
((0)) |
Break security inheritance |
AED_UserLogin |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
User login |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_AppExploreLevels_AppExploreDefinitions |
AppExploreLevels |
PK_AppExploreDefinitions |
FK_OutlookFavorites_MoveDefinitions |
OutlookFavorites |
PK_AppExploreDefinitions |
FK_WFConfigurationSecurities_AppExploreDefinitions |
WFConfigurationSecurities |
PK_AppExploreDefinitions |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_AppExploreDefinitions |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_AppExploreDefinitions_Guid |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
int |
Related AppExploreDefinitions identifier |
AEL_Level |
int |
Level of explore definition |
AEL_ObjectType |
int |
Object type e.g. application, process, workflow, step etc. |
AEL_ObjectID |
int |
((0)) |
Object identifier |
AEL_Modifier |
int |
((0)) |
Type of modifier (default, year, month, day, datetime) |
AEL_FilterType |
int |
((0)) |
Filter type (None,Process,WorkFlow,DocumentType,Step) |
AEL_Filter |
int |
((0)) |
Filter |
AEL_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
AEL_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
AEL_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
AEL_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Entry unique identifier for import export mechanism |
AEL_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
AEL_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_AppExploreLevels_AppExploreDefinitions |
AppExploreLevels |
PK_AppExploreDefinitions |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
int |
BpsViewDefinitions foreign key |
ARV_Name |
varchar(50) |
Name of view |
ARV_Description |
varchar(500) |
Description of view |
ARV_Filters |
varchar(MAX) |
Filters |
ARV_Sorting |
varchar(MAX) |
Sorting information |
ARV_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
ARV_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
ARV_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
ARV_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
ARV_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
ARV_UserLogin |
varchar(256) |
Yes |
Stores login of user which owns that view |
ARV_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Entry unique identifier for import export mechanism |
ARV_IsDefault |
bit |
((0)) |
Is view default view for report |
ARV_Order |
int |
Oder of the view |
ARV_ShowAttDownloadButton |
bit |
((0)) |
Tells whether button that lets downloading attachments from many elements is visible on report view |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_AppReportViews_AppReports |
AppReportViews |
PK_AppReports |
FK_AppSuggestions_AppReportViews |
AppSuggestions |
PK_AppReportViews |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_AppReportViews |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_AppReportViews_Guid |
Yes |
100 |
IX_AppReportViews_ARV_ARPID |
100 |
UQ_AppReportViews_IsDefault |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_AppReportViews_Order |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
ARP_Name |
varchar(100) |
Name of BPS View |
ARP_Description |
varchar(500) |
Description of BPS View |
int |
WFApplications foreign key |
ARP_TypeID |
int |
DicWebPartTypes foreign key |
ARP_Configuration |
varchar(MAX) |
Configuration of BPS View as XML |
ARP_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Guid of application |
ARP_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
ARP_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
ARP_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
ARP_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
ARP_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
ARP_BreakSecurityInheritance |
bit |
((0)) |
Tells if security inheritance is broken |
ARP_SaveStamp |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Save stamp |
ARP_Abbreviation |
varchar(3) |
Yes |
Report abbreviation |
ARP_Order |
int |
((0)) |
Order of application report |
ARP_IsHiddenInNavigationMenu |
bit |
((0)) |
Tells if the report should be visible in portal navigation menu |
ARP_AllowMultipleAttDownload |
bit |
((0)) |
Tells whether downloading of attachments from many elements should be available on report |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_AppReports_WFApplications |
AppReports |
PK_WFApplications |
FK_AppReports_DicWebPartTypes |
AppReports |
PK_DicWebPartTypes |
FK_AppReportViews_AppReports |
AppReportViews |
PK_AppReports |
FK_AppSuggestions_AppReports |
AppSuggestions |
PK_AppReports |
FK_WFConfigurationSecurities_AppReports |
WFConfigurationSecurities |
PK_AppReports |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
int |
WFApplications foreign key |
AST_Name |
varchar(50) |
Name of start |
AST_Description |
varchar(500) |
Description of start |
AST_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
AST_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
AST_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
AST_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Guid of start |
AST_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
AST_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
AST_Configuration |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Configuration of start definiton as XML |
AST_Order |
int |
((0)) |
Order |
AST_BreakSecurityInheritance |
bit |
((0)) |
Tells if security inheritance is broken |
AST_SaveStamp |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Save stamp |
AST_IsHiddenInNavigationMenu |
bit |
((0)) |
Tells if the start should be visible in portal navigation menu |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_AppStarts_WFApplications |
AppStarts |
PK_WFApplications |
FK_WFConfigurationSecurities_AppStarts |
WFConfigurationSecurities |
PK_AppStarts |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_AppSuggestions_AppDashboards |
AppSuggestions |
PK_AppDashboards |
FK_AppSuggestions_AppReports |
AppSuggestions |
PK_AppReports |
FK_AppSuggestions_AppReportViews |
AppSuggestions |
PK_AppReportViews |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_AppSuggestions |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_AppSuggestions_UserLogin_ARPID_ARVID_ADSID |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
int |
NOT foreign key reference to WFElements |
int |
Foreign key to WFActions |
ARQ_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
ARQ_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
ARQ_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
ARQ_Priority |
int |
Priority |
ARQ_ServiceName |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Processing service name |
ARQ_Status |
int |
((0)) |
Status |
ARQ_AttemptsNumber |
int |
((0)) |
Attempts number |
ARQ_LastAttemptTime |
datetime |
Yes |
Last attempt time |
ARQ_LastError |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Last error |
ARQ_ThreadId |
int |
Yes |
Processing Thread Id for Archivisation |
ARQ_ProcessingFinishedTime |
datetime |
Yes |
Processing finished time |
ARQ_SectionGuid |
varchar(36) |
Yes |
Action section GUID |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ArchiveQueueItems_WFActions |
ArchiveQueueItems |
PK_WFActions |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_ArchiveQueueItems |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_ArchiveQueueItems_WFDID |
Yes |
100 |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_WFElementSignatures_ArchivingDatabases |
WFElementSignatures |
PK_ArchivingDatabases |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_ArchivingDatabases |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_ArchivingDatabases_Name |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Association identifier |
int |
Instance type identifier/Signature |
int |
Form field identifier |
ADA_IsVisible |
bit |
((1)) |
Is a form field visible for the specific workflow instance |
ADA_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Row insert date |
ADA_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Row update date |
ADA_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Row version |
ADA_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Global unique ID |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_AttributeDocTypeAssocs_WFDocTypes |
AttributeDocTypeAssocs |
PK_WFDocTypes |
FK_AttributeDocTypeAssocs_WFConfigurations |
AttributeDocTypeAssocs |
PK_WFConfigurations |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_AttributeDocTypeAssocs |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_AttributeDocTypeAssocs_Guid |
Yes |
100 |
IX_AttributeDocTypeAssocs_ADA_WFCONID |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
AUTH_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
AUTH_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
AUTH_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
AUTH_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Authentication GUID |
AUTH_Name |
varchar(50) |
Authentication name |
AUTH_Description |
varchar(1000) |
Yes |
Authentication description |
AUTH_Type |
int |
((0)) |
Authentication type (0 - User, 1 - Application) |
AUTH_ClientID |
varchar(500) |
Yes |
Client ID obtained during application registration |
AUTH_ClientSecret |
varchar(500) |
Yes |
Encrypted client password obtained during application registration |
AUTH_Template |
int |
((0)) |
Authentication template used (0 - Custom, 1 - Microsoft, 2 - Google) |
AUTH_AutoDiscover |
bit |
((0)) |
Use well-known endpoint for automatic authentication configuration detection |
AUTH_WellKnownUrl |
varchar(2048) |
Yes |
URL to well-known endpoint containing authentication metadata |
AUTH_AuthorizationEndpoint |
varchar(1000) |
Yes |
Authorization endpoint URL |
AUTH_TokenEndpoint |
varchar(1000) |
Yes |
Endpoint URL returning token |
AUTH_Scopes |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
List of scopes to which to grant access |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_WFDataConnections_Authentications |
WFDataConnections |
PK_Authentications |
FK_WFDataConnections_Authentications_Dev |
WFDataConnections |
PK_Authentications |
FK_WFDataConnections_Authentications_Prod |
WFDataConnections |
PK_Authentications |
FK_WFDataConnections_Authentications_Test |
WFDataConnections |
PK_Authentications |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
AUBR_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
AUBR_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
AUBR_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
AUBR_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Automation Business Rule guid |
int |
Automation which have automation business rule |
int |
Definition of business rule |
AUBR_PropertyID |
int |
Automation configuration property identifier |
AUBR_PropertyOrder |
int |
Yes |
Automation configuration property order |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_AutomationBusinessRules_Automations |
AutomationBusinessRules |
PK_Automations |
FK_AutomationBusinessRules_WFBusinessRuleDefinitions |
AutomationBusinessRules |
PK_WFBusinessRuleDefinitions |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_AutomationBusinessRules |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_AutomationBusinessRules_Guid |
Yes |
100 |
IX_AutomationBusinessRules_AUBR_AUTMID |
100 |
IX_AutomationBusinessRules_AUBR_BRDID |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
AUTP_AutomationID |
int |
Relation to the Automations table |
AUTP_Name |
varchar(255) |
Name of automation parameters |
AUTP_Documentation |
varchar(MAX) |
Documentation for automation parameter |
AUTP_ValueType |
int |
Relation to the DicBusinessRulesReturnedValueTypes table |
AUTP_Type |
int |
Relation to the DicAutomationsParameterTypes table |
AUTP_Guid |
varchar(36) |
Entry unique identifier for import export mechanism |
AUTP_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
AUTP_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
AUTP_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
AUTP_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
AUTP_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_AutomationParameters_Automations |
AutomationParameters |
PK_Automations |
FK_AutomationParameters_DicAutomationsParameterTypes |
AutomationParameters |
PK_DicAutomationsParameterTypes |
FK_AutomationParameters_DicBusinessRulesReturnedValueTypes |
AutomationParameters |
PK_DicBusinessRulesReturnedValueTypes |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_AutomationParameters |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_AutomationParameter_Guid |
Yes |
100 |
IX_AutomationParameters_AUTP_AutomationID |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
int |
Yes |
Information about executed action |
int |
Yes |
Related WFElements identifier |
ASE_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
ASE_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
ASE_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
ASE_Model |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
JSON model storing automation components with references to WFActionExecutions table |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_AutomationSessionExecutions |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
IX_AutomationSessionExecutions_WFDID_WTHID |
0 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
AUTM_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
AUTM_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
AUTM_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
AUTM_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
AUTM_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
AUTM_Name |
varchar(255) |
Automation name |
AUTM_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Automation guid |
int |
Yes |
Process which have automation |
AUTM_IsInline |
bit |
((0)) |
Is automation inline |
AUTM_DocumentationDescription |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Documentation for automation |
AUTM_ExecutionTimeLimit |
int |
((30)) |
Execution of automation time limit (in seconds) |
AUTM_Designer |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Automation flow design |
AUTM_ErrorDesigner |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Automation error flow design |
int |
Yes |
Foreign key to parent automation |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_Automations_Automations |
Automations |
PK_Automations |
FK_Automations_WFDefinitions |
Automations |
PK_WFDefinitions |
FK_AutomationBusinessRules_Automations |
AutomationBusinessRules |
PK_Automations |
FK_AutomationParameters_Automations |
AutomationParameters |
PK_Automations |
FK_Automations_Automations |
Automations |
PK_Automations |
FK_WFActionButtons_Automations |
WFActionButtons |
PK_Automations |
FK_WFActions_Automations |
WFActions |
PK_Automations |
FK_WFAvaiblePaths_Automations |
WFAvaiblePaths |
PK_Automations |
FK_WFRecurrentActionsDefinitions_Automations |
WFRecurrentActionsDefinitions |
PK_Automations |
FK_WFSteps_Automations_OnAttachmentAddAUTMID |
WFSteps |
PK_Automations |
FK_WFSteps_Automations_OnBrowserOpeningAUTMID |
WFSteps |
PK_Automations |
FK_WFSteps_Automations_OnDeleteAUTMID |
WFSteps |
PK_Automations |
FK_WFSteps_Automations_OnEntryAUTMID |
WFSteps |
PK_Automations |
FK_WFSteps_Automations_OnExitAUTMID |
WFSteps |
PK_Automations |
FK_WFSteps_Automations_OnSaveAUTMID |
WFSteps |
PK_Automations |
FK_WFTimeouts_Automations |
WFTimeouts |
PK_Automations |
FK_WorkFlows_Automations_OnAttachmentAddAUTMID |
WorkFlows |
PK_Automations |
FK_WorkFlows_Automations_OnBrowserOpeningAUTMID |
WorkFlows |
PK_Automations |
FK_WorkFlows_Automations_OnDeleteAUTMID |
WorkFlows |
PK_Automations |
FK_WorkFlows_Automations_OnSaveAUTMID |
WorkFlows |
PK_Automations |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_Automations |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_Automations_Guid |
Yes |
100 |
IX_Automations_AUTM_DEFID |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
AOP_OperationsKind |
int |
Kind of operation |
AOP_Operations |
bigint |
Number of available operations to use |
AOP_Signature |
binary(256) |
Yes |
Digital signature |
AOP_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
AOP_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
AOP_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK__BpsUsersGroupRelations |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
BCT_GroupID |
int |
Cache group from DicCaheGroups |
int |
Yes |
Process identifier from WFDefinitons |
int |
Yes |
Application identifier from WFApplications |
BCT_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
BCT_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
BCT_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_BusinessObjectsChangeTimestamps_DicCacheGroups |
BusinessObjectsChangeTimestamps |
PK_DicCacheGroups |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_BusinessObjectsChangeTimestamps |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_BusinessObjectChangeTimestamps_GroupID_DEFID_APPID |
Yes |
80 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
COS_Login |
varchar(255) |
User login |
COS_ManagerID |
int |
Yes |
Manager identifier – CacheOrganizationStructure table ID |
COS_ManagerLogin |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Manager login |
COS_ManagerDisplayName |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Superior's display name |
COS_IsActive |
bit |
Yes |
Is active |
COS_AD_accountexpires |
datetime |
Yes |
AD Account expiration date |
COS_AD_adspath |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
ADsPath |
COS_AD_company |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
AD Company |
COS_AD_comment |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
AD Comment |
COS_AD_countrycode |
int |
Yes |
AD Country code |
COS_AD_department |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
AD Department |
COS_AD_description |
varchar(1025) |
Yes |
AD Descrption |
COS_AD_displayname |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
AD Display name |
COS_AD_distinguishedname |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
AD Distinguished name |
COS_AD_givenname |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
AD Given name |
COS_AD_homedirectory |
varchar(260) |
Yes |
AD Home directory |
COS_AD_homephone |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
AD Home phone |
COS_AD_info |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
AD Info |
COS_AD_ipphone |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
AD Ipphone |
COS_AD_iscriticalsystemobject |
bit |
Yes |
Is critical system object |
COS_AD_localeid |
int |
Yes |
AD Locale ID |
COS_AD_mail |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
AD Mail |
COS_AD_manager |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
AD Superior |
COS_AD_memberOf |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
AD Member of |
COS_AD_mobile |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
AD Mobile |
COS_AD_name |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
AD Name |
COS_AD_objectcategory |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
AD Object category |
COS_AD_objectclass |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
AD Object class |
COS_AD_objectguid |
binary(16) |
Yes |
AD Object GUID |
COS_AD_objectsid |
varbinary(100) |
Yes |
AD Object's SID |
COS_AD_objectversion |
int |
Yes |
AD Object version |
COS_AD_ou |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
COS_AD_pager |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
AD Pager |
COS_AD_postalcode |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
AD Postal code |
COS_AD_postofficebox |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
AD Post office box |
COS_AD_primarygroupid |
int |
Yes |
AD Primary group ID |
COS_AD_samaccountname |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
AD SAM account name |
COS_AD_samaccounttype |
int |
Yes |
AD SAM account type |
COS_AD_securityidentifier |
varbinary(100) |
Yes |
AD Security identifier |
COS_AD_showinaddressbook |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
AD Show in address book |
COS_AD_sn |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
AD Surname |
COS_AD_st |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
AD State |
COS_AD_streetaddress |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
AD Street adress |
COS_AD_telephonenumber |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
AD Telephone number |
COS_AD_title |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
AD Title |
COS_AD_useraccountcontrol |
int |
Yes |
AD User account control |
COS_AD_userparameters |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
AD User parameters |
COS_AD_userprincipalname |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
AD User UPN |
COS_AD_whencreated |
datetime |
Yes |
Creation date in AD |
COS_AD_wwwhomepage |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
AD Homepage |
COS_ExtensionAttribute01 |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
COS_ExtensionAttribute02 |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
COS_ExtensionAttribute03 |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
COS_ExtensionAttribute04 |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
COS_ExtensionAttribute05 |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
COS_ExtensionAttribute06 |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
COS_ExtensionAttribute07 |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
COS_ExtensionAttribute08 |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
COS_ExtensionAttribute09 |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
COS_ExtensionAttribute10 |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
COS_ExtensionAttribute11 |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
COS_ExtensionAttribute12 |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
COS_ExtensionAttribute13 |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
COS_ExtensionAttribute14 |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
COS_ExtensionAttribute15 |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
COS_ExtensionAttribute16 |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
COS_ExtensionAttribute17 |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
COS_ExtensionAttribute18 |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
COS_ExtensionAttribute19 |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
COS_ExtensionAttribute20 |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
COS_ExtensionAttribute21 |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
COS_ExtensionAttribute22 |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
COS_ExtensionAttribute23 |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
COS_ExtensionAttribute24 |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
COS_ExtensionAttribute25 |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
COS_ExtensionAttribute26 |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
COS_ExtensionAttribute27 |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
COS_ExtensionAttribute28 |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
COS_ExtensionAttribute29 |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
COS_ExtensionAttribute30 |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
COS_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
COS_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
COS_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
COS_AD_physicalDeliveryOfficeName |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
AD Physical delivery office name |
COS_DomainPath |
varchar(256) |
Yes |
Domain path |
varchar(100) |
Yes |
AD Object SID/identifier in the text form |
COS_Domain |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
User domain |
varchar(255) |
Stores user login in bps format |
COS_Department |
varchar(250) |
Yes |
Stores department as in SPUser profile |
COS_JobTitle |
varchar(250) |
Yes |
Stores job title as in SPUser profile |
COS_Email |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Stores email of the user from SPUser profile |
COS_DisplayName |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Stores display name of the user from SPUser profile |
COS_AccountType |
int |
Holds value for account type |
COS_ManagerBpsID |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Stores manager login in bps format |
COS_AD_cn |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Stores common name from AD |
COS_AD_proxyaddresses |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Stores proxy adresses from AD |
COS_ProviderType |
int |
Stores type of provider from which entity origins |
COS_LastSuccessfulSyncTime |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Stores last successful time of synchronization |
COS_SynchronizationError |
bit |
((0)) |
Determines if error occurred during synchronization of object |
COS_OnPremisesSyncEnabled |
bit |
((0)) |
Informs whether the user is to be replicated to on premises ActiveDirectory or regarded as a cloud only account |
varchar(36) |
Yes |
AzureAD ID |
COS_UserType |
int |
Yes |
ID of user type, pertaining to the source of user data (DicADUserTypes) |
COS_GroupType |
int |
Yes |
ID of group type, pertaining to the source of group data (DicADGroupTypes) |
COS_PhoneNumber |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Phone number |
COS_LastSyncGuid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Column which contains Guid of last successful user's synchronization. |
COS_DomainSamaccountname |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Yes |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_CacheOrganizationStructure_DicGroupTypes |
CacheOrganizationStructure |
PK_DicADGroupTypes |
FK_CacheOrganizationStructure_DicUserTypes |
CacheOrganizationStructure |
PK_DicADUserTypes |
FK_CacheOrganizationStructureExtendedTokens_CacheOrganizationStructure |
CacheOrganizationStructureExtendedTokens |
PK__CacheOrganizationStructure |
FK2_CacheOrganizationStructureGroupRelations |
CacheOrganizationStructureGroupRelations |
PK__CacheOrganizationStructure |
FK_CacheOrganizationStructureGroupRelations |
CacheOrganizationStructureGroupRelations |
PK__CacheOrganizationStructure |
FK_CacheOrganizationStructurePictures_CacheOrganizationStructure |
CacheOrganizationStructurePictures |
PK__CacheOrganizationStructure |
FK_CacheOrganizationStructureSubordinates_CacheOrganizationStructure |
CacheOrganizationStructureSubordinates |
PK__CacheOrganizationStructure |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK__CacheOrganizationStructure |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
IX_CacheOrganizationStructure_COS_Login |
100 |
IX_CacheOrganizationStructure_COS_ManagerLogin |
100 |
UQ_CacheOrganizationStructure_COS_BpsID |
Yes |
80 |
IX_CacheOrganizationStructure_COS_ManagerBpsID |
100 |
IX_CacheOrganizationStructure_COS_DisplayName |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
bigint |
Yes |
Identifier |
int |
Foreign key to CacheOrganizationStructure table |
COSET_TokenPart |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Token part |
COSET_Site |
varchar(193) |
Yes |
Site |
COSET_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_CacheOrganizationStructureExtendedTokens_CacheOrganizationStructure |
CacheOrganizationStructureExtendedTokens |
PK__CacheOrganizationStructure |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK__CacheOrganizationStructureExtendedTokens |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
IX_CacheOrganizationStructureExtendedTokens_COSIDTokenPart |
100 |
IX_CacheOrganizationStructureExtendedTokens_TokenPartCOSID |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
bigint |
Yes |
Identifier |
int |
User identifier |
int |
Group identifier |
COSGR_IsDirect |
bit |
Whether the user is directly assigned to this group or is it a parent group to the group to which the user belongs |
COSGR_IsPrimary |
bit |
Yes |
Information is it user’s primary group |
COSGR_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
COSGR_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
COSGR_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Row version |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK2_CacheOrganizationStructureGroupRelations |
CacheOrganizationStructureGroupRelations |
PK__CacheOrganizationStructure |
FK_CacheOrganizationStructureGroupRelations |
CacheOrganizationStructureGroupRelations |
PK__CacheOrganizationStructure |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK__CacheOrganizationStructureGroupRelations |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
IX_CacheOrganizationStructureGroupRelations_COSGR_UserID |
100 |
IX_CacheOrganizationStructureGroupRelations_COSGR_GroupID |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
COSP_Picture |
varbinary(MAX) |
Yes |
Picture bytes |
COSP_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
COSP_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
COSP_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
int |
Yes |
Cache organization structure foreign key |
COSP_Hash |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Original picture hashcode |
varchar(255) |
Column which contains BpsID of picture owner. |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_CacheOrganizationStructurePictures_CacheOrganizationStructure |
CacheOrganizationStructurePictures |
PK__CacheOrganizationStructure |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_CacheOrganizationStructurePictures |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
IX_CacheOrganizationStructurePictures_COSP_BpsID |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
bigint |
Yes |
Identifier |
int |
This column contains the identifier of a superior having subordinates with identifiers entered in the COSSUB_SubordinatesList column. Identifier which refers to a row in CacheOrganizationStructure table. |
int |
DataSource Identifier of non standard organization structure datasource |
COSSUB_SubordinatesList |
varchar(MAX) |
Subordinates List |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
COSSUB_DirectSubordinatesList |
varchar(MAX) |
Direct subordinates list |
COSSUB_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_CacheOrganizationStructureSubordinates_CacheOrganizationStructure |
CacheOrganizationStructureSubordinates |
PK__CacheOrganizationStructure |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK__CacheOrganizationStructureHierarchy |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
IX_CacheOrganizationStructureSubordinates_COSID_WFDSID |
0 |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_Calendars |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_Calendars_CAL_WorkingDate |
Yes |
100 |
IX_Calendars_IsWorkingDay |
100 |
IX_Calendars_IsWorkingDay_WorkingDate |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
bigint |
Yes |
Identifier |
bigint |
Changed row identifier which refers to a row in ChangeRows table |
int |
ConfigurationColumn identifier which refers to a row in ConfigurationColumns table |
CHD_OldValue |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Old row value |
CHD_NewValue |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
New row value |
CHD_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ChangeDetails_ConfigurationColumns |
ChangeDetails |
PK_ConfigurationColumns |
FK_ChangeDetails_ChangeRows |
ChangeDetails |
PK_ChangeRows |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
bigint |
Yes |
Identifier |
CHO_ObjectTypeID |
int |
SaveObjectType identifier which refers to a row in DicSaveObjectTypes table |
CHO_ObjectID |
int |
Yes |
Column CHO_ObjectID stores corresponding primary key from particular table |
CHO_DBBranchNumber |
varchar(20) |
DB branch number |
CHO_DBVersion |
varchar(20) |
DB version |
CHO_StateXml |
xml(1073741823) |
Yes |
State xml |
CHO_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
CHO_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
CHO_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Author |
CHO_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
CHO_AppVersion |
varchar(20) |
Application version |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ChangeOperations_DicSaveObjectTypes |
ChangeOperations |
PK_DicSaveObjectTypes |
FK_ChangeRows_ChangeOperations |
ChangeRows |
PK_ChangeOperations |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_ChangeOperations |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
IX_ChangeOperations_ObjectTypeID_ObjectID |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
CRC_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
CRC_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
CRC_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
CRC_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
CRC_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
CRC_IsDeleted |
bit |
((0)) |
A flag indicating whether the row is deleted |
int |
Identifier of change request to which this comment belongs |
CRC_Content |
varchar(MAX) |
Change request comment content |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ChangeRequestComments_ChangeRequests |
ChangeRequestComments |
PK_ChangeRequests |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_ChangeRequestComments |
Yes |
Yes |
0 |
IX_ChangeRequestComments_TSInsert |
100 |
IX_ChangeRequestComments_TSUpdate |
100 |
IX_ChangeRequestComments_IsDeleted |
100 |
IX_ChangeRequestComments_CRID |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
CRL_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
CRL_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
CRL_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
CRL_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
CRL_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
int |
Identifier of change request to which this like belongs |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ChangeRequestLikes_ChangeRequests |
ChangeRequestLikes |
PK_ChangeRequests |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_ChangeRequestLikes |
Yes |
Yes |
0 |
UQ_ChangeRequestLikes_CreatedBy_CRID |
Yes |
100 |
IX_ChangeRequestLikes_TSInsert |
100 |
IX_ChangeRequestLikes_TSUpdate |
100 |
IX_ChangeRequestLikes_CRID |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
CR_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
CR_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
CR_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
CR_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
CR_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
CR_IsDeleted |
bit |
((0)) |
A flag indicating whether the row is deleted |
int |
Identifier of application to which this change request belongs |
CR_State |
int |
((0)) |
Change request state |
CR_Title |
varchar(1000) |
Change request title |
CR_Content |
varchar(MAX) |
Change request content |
CR_IsPrivate |
bit |
Yes |
((0)) |
A flag indicating whether change request is visible only for author and admin |
CR_RelatedObject |
varchar(2000) |
Site on which change request was registered |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ChangeRequests_WFApplications |
ChangeRequests |
PK_WFApplications |
FK_ChangeRequestComments_ChangeRequests |
ChangeRequestComments |
PK_ChangeRequests |
FK_ChangeRequestLikes_ChangeRequests |
ChangeRequestLikes |
PK_ChangeRequests |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_ChangeRequests |
Yes |
Yes |
0 |
IX_ChangeRequests_TSInsert |
100 |
IX_ChangeRequests_TSUpdate |
100 |
IX_ChangeRequests_IsDeleted |
100 |
IX_ChangeRequests_APPID |
100 |
IX_ChangeRequests_State |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
bigint |
Yes |
Identifier |
bigint |
ChangeOperation identifier which refers to a row in ChangeOperations table |
int |
ConfigurationTable identifier which refers to a row in ConfigurationTables table |
CHR_ChangeTypeID |
int |
ChangeType identifier which refers to a row in DicChangeTypes table |
varchar(20) |
Changed system object identifier |
CHR_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
CHR_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
CHR_Guid |
varchar(36) |
Yes |
Entry unique identifier for import export mechanism |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ChangeRows_ConfigurationTables |
ChangeRows |
PK_ConfigurationTables |
FK_ChangeRows_DicChangeTypes |
ChangeRows |
PK_DicChangeTypes |
FK_ChangeRows_ChangeOperations |
ChangeRows |
PK_ChangeOperations |
FK_ChangeDetails_ChangeRows |
ChangeDetails |
PK_ChangeRows |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_Claims_IdentityUsers_IUID |
Claims |
PK_IdentityUsers |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
COM_Code |
varchar(20) |
Company code |
COM_Name |
varchar(50) |
Company name |
COM_Description |
varchar(1000) |
Yes |
Company description |
COM_Users |
text |
Yes |
Company users |
COM_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
COM_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
COM_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
COM_FullNameLine1 |
varchar(250) |
Yes |
COM_FullNameLine2 |
varchar(250) |
Yes |
COM_AddressLine1 |
varchar(250) |
Yes |
COM_AddressLine2 |
varchar(250) |
Yes |
COM_AddressLine3 |
varchar(250) |
Yes |
varchar(2048) |
Yes |
Company logo URL |
varchar(50) |
Yes |
Taxpayer identification number (VAT) |
COM_Phone |
varchar(50) |
Yes |
Company phone |
COM_DefaultFor |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Company default for |
COM_AdditionalFor |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Company additional for |
varchar(50) |
Yes |
Company REGON |
COM_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Entry unique identifier for import export mechanism |
COM_IsActive |
bit |
((1)) |
If bussines entity is active |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ActiveTasks_Companies |
ActiveTasks |
PK_Companies |
FK_HotFolders_Companies |
HotFolders |
PK_Companies |
FK_HotMailBoxs_Companies |
HotMailBoxs |
PK_Companies |
FK_PersonalDataRemovalQueueItems_Companies |
PersonalDataRemovalQueueItems |
PK_Companies |
FK_TilesConfigurations_Companies |
TilesConfigurations |
PK_Companies |
FK_WFDataSources_Companies |
WFDataSources |
PK_Companies |
FK_WFElements_Companies |
WFElements |
PK_Companies |
FK_WFSecurities_Companies |
WFSecurities |
PK_Companies |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
CCT_GroupID |
int |
Cache group from DicCaheGroups |
CCT_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
CCT_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
CCT_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ConfigurationChangeTimestamps_DicCacheGroups |
ConfigurationChangeTimestamps |
PK_DicCacheGroups |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_ConfigurationChangeTimestamps |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
int |
ConfigurationTable identifier which refers to a row in ConfigurationTables table |
CFC_ColumnName |
varchar(255) |
Column name |
CFC_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
CFC_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
CFC_IsDeleted |
bit |
((0)) |
A flag indicating whether the row is deleted |
CFC_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ConfigurationColumns_ConfigurationTables |
ConfigurationColumns |
PK_ConfigurationTables |
FK_ChangeDetails_ConfigurationColumns |
ChangeDetails |
PK_ConfigurationColumns |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_ConfigurationColumns |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_ConfigurationColumns_CFTID_Name |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
CFT_Name |
varchar(255) |
Configuration table name |
CFT_Prefix |
varchar(10) |
Configuration table prefix |
CFT_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
CFT_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
CFT_IsDeleted |
bit |
((0)) |
A flag indicating whether the row is deleted |
CFT_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ChangeRows_ConfigurationTables |
ChangeRows |
PK_ConfigurationTables |
FK_ConfigurationColumns_ConfigurationTables |
ConfigurationColumns |
PK_ConfigurationTables |
FK_ToDoItems_ConfigurationTables |
ToDoItems |
PK_ConfigurationTables |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_ConfigurationTables |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_ConfigurationTables_Name |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_ConfigurationTables_Prefix |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
CWS_Wsdl |
varbinary(MAX) |
Wsdl |
CWS_Assembly |
varbinary(MAX) |
Assembly |
CWS_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Guid |
CWS_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
CWS_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
CWS_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
CWS_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
CWS_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
CWS_CacheKey |
varchar(36) |
Yes |
Key(guid) used for cache dlls for webservice action and datasource |
int |
Yes |
Foreign key to parent Action |
int |
Yes |
Foreign key to parent DataSource |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ConfiguredWebServices_WFActions |
ConfiguredWebServices |
PK_WFActions |
FK_ConfiguredWebServices_WFDataSources |
ConfiguredWebServices |
PK_WFDataSources |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_ConfiguredWebServices |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_ConfiguredWebServices_Guid |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_ConfiguredWebServices_CWS_ACTID_CWS_WFSID |
Yes |
100 |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ContentDatabases_ContentDatabaseType |
ContentDatabases |
PK_DicDatabaseTypes |
FK_ElementOperations_ContentDatabases |
ElementOperations |
PK_ContentDatabases |
FK_HistoricalOperations_ContentDatabases |
HistoricalOperations |
PK_ContentDatabases |
FK_ServiceDatabases_SD_ContentDatabaseID |
ServiceDatabases |
PK_ContentDatabases |
FK_SingleSolutionCals_ContentDatabases |
SingleSolutionCals |
PK_ContentDatabases |
FK_SubstitutionDetails_ContentDatabases |
SubstitutionDetails |
PK_ContentDatabases |
FK_Substitutions_ContentDatabases |
Substitutions |
PK_ContentDatabases |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_DatabaseAcronyms |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
IX_DatabaseAcronyms_Acronym |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
DEV_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
DEV_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
DEV_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
DEV_Name |
varchar(255) |
Name of the device |
DEV_UserLogin |
varchar(255) |
Login of the user to whom the registered device belongs |
DEV_DeviceId |
varchar(255) |
Identifier of the registered device |
int |
Identifier of the registered phone |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_Devices_RegisteredPhones |
Devices |
PK_RegisteredPhones |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Translated name of AD group type presented to user |
EnglishName |
varchar(50) |
English name of AD group type |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of AD group type |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_CacheOrganizationStructure_DicGroupTypes |
CacheOrganizationStructure |
PK_DicADGroupTypes |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Translated name of AD user type presented to user |
EnglishName |
varchar(50) |
English name of AD user type |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of AD user type |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_CacheOrganizationStructure_DicUserTypes |
CacheOrganizationStructure |
PK_DicADUserTypes |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Translated name of action kind presented to user |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value for action kind |
Description |
varchar(512) |
Yes |
Translated short explanation of action kind |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
EnglishName |
varchar(50) |
English name of action kind |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_WFActions_DicActionKinds |
WFActions |
PK_DicActionKinds |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(50) |
English name of action type presented to user |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of action type |
Description |
varchar(512) |
Yes |
Short explanation of action type in english |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_WFActionExecutions_DicActionTypes |
WFActionExecutions |
PK_DicActionTypes |
FK_WFActions_DicActionTypes |
WFActions |
PK_DicActionTypes |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Translated name of application stage presented to user |
EnglishName |
varchar(50) |
English name of action stage |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of application stage |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_WFApplications_DicApplicationStages |
WFApplications |
PK_DicApplicationStages |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Translated name of application template presented to user |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of application template |
Description |
varchar(512) |
Yes |
Short explanation of application template in english |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
EnglishName |
varchar(50) |
English name of application template |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_WFApplications_DicApplicationTemplates |
WFApplications |
PK_DicApplicationTemplates |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_DicApplicationTemplates |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Translated name of assign type presented to user |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of assign type |
Description |
varchar(512) |
Yes |
Short explanation of assign type in english |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
EnglishName |
varchar(50) |
Yes |
English name of assign type |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ActiveTasks_DicAssignTypes |
ActiveTasks |
PK_DicAssignTypes |
FK_HistoryTasks_DicAssignTypes |
HistoryTasks |
PK_DicAssignTypes |
FK_HistoryTasks_DicAssignTypes |
HistoryTasks |
PK_DicAssignTypes |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Name of automation type |
EnglishName |
varchar(50) |
Name of automation type (English equivalent) |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum member |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_AutomationParameters_DicAutomationsParameterTypes |
AutomationParameters |
PK_DicAutomationsParameterTypes |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_DicAutomationsParameterTypes |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Translated name of business rule edit mode type presented to user |
EnglishName |
varchar(50) |
English name of business rule edit mode type |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of business rule edit mode type |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_WFBusinessRuleDefinitions_DicBusinessRulesEditModeTypes |
WFBusinessRuleDefinitions |
PK_DicBusinessRulesEditModeTypes |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_DicBusinessRulesEditModeTypes |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Translated name of business rule return value type presented to user |
EnglishName |
varchar(50) |
English name of business rule return value type |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of business rule return value type |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_AutomationParameters_DicBusinessRulesReturnedValueTypes |
AutomationParameters |
PK_DicBusinessRulesReturnedValueTypes |
FK_WFBusinessRuleDefinitions_DicBusinessRulesReturnedValueTypes |
WFBusinessRuleDefinitions |
PK_DicBusinessRulesReturnedValueTypes |
FK_WFBusinessRuleParameters_DicBusinessRulesReturnedValueTypes |
WFBusinessRuleParameters |
PK_DicBusinessRulesReturnedValueTypes |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_DicBusinessRulesReturnedValueTypes |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Translated name of business rule type presented to user |
EnglishName |
varchar(50) |
English name of business rule type |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of business rule type |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_WFBusinessRuleDefinitions_DicBusinessRulesTypes |
WFBusinessRuleDefinitions |
PK_DicBusinessRulesTypes |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Translated name for cache group presented to user |
EnglishName |
varchar(50) |
English name for cache group |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of cache group |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_BusinessObjectsChangeTimestamps_DicCacheGroups |
BusinessObjectsChangeTimestamps |
PK_DicCacheGroups |
FK_ConfigurationChangeTimestamps_DicCacheGroups |
ConfigurationChangeTimestamps |
PK_DicCacheGroups |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Name of change type presented to user |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of change type |
Description |
varchar(512) |
Yes |
Short explanation of change type |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ChangeRows_DicChangeTypes |
ChangeRows |
PK_DicChangeTypes |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Translated name of choice field type presented to user |
EnglishName |
varchar(50) |
English name of choice field type |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of choice field type |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_WFConfigurations_DicChoiceFieldTypes |
WFConfigurations |
PK_DicChoiceFieldTypes |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
ID of condition type |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Conditions types |
EnglishName |
varchar(50) |
Conditions types (English equivalent) |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum member |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
ICreation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_MassNotificationBusinessRules_DicConditionTypes |
MassNotificationBusinessRules |
PK_DicConditionTypes |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Name of configuration security level presented to user |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of configuration security level |
Description |
varchar(512) |
Yes |
Short explanation of configuration security level |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_WFConfigurationSecurities_DicConfigurationSecurityLevels |
WFConfigurationSecurities |
PK_DicConfigurationSecurityLevel |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_DicConfigurationSecurityLevel |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Translated name of configuration template presented to user |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of configuration template |
Description |
varchar(512) |
Yes |
Short explanation of configuration template |
DefinitionTemplateID |
int |
Yes |
Definition template id references DicDefinitionTemplates table |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
EnglishName |
varchar(50) |
English name of configuration template |
IsRequied |
bit |
((0)) |
Bit value that defines necessity of confiuration template |
int |
Yes |
Field template ID from FieldTemplates table |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_DicConfigurationTemplates_FieldTemplates |
DicConfigurationTemplates |
PK_FieldTemplates |
FK_WFConfigurations_DicConfigurationTemplates |
WFConfigurations |
PK_DicConfigurationTemplates |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_DicConfigurationTemplates |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_DicConfigurationTemplates_FTID |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of data cache group |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ExpiringObjectsConfigurations_DicDataCacheGroups |
ExpiringObjectsConfigurations |
PK_DicDataCacheGroups |
FK_ResettableObjectsChangeTimestamps_DicDataCacheGroups |
ResettableObjectsChangeTimestamps |
PK_DicDataCacheGroups |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Translated name of data source template presented to user |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of data source template |
Description |
varchar(512) |
Yes |
Short explanation of data source template |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
EnglishName |
varchar(50) |
English name of data source template |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_WFDataSources_DicDataSourceTemplates |
WFDataSources |
PK_DicDataSourceTemplates |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_DicDataSourceTemplates |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Translated name of database type presented to user |
EnglishName |
varchar(50) |
English name of database type |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of database type |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ContentDatabases_ContentDatabaseType |
ContentDatabases |
PK_DicDatabaseTypes |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Translated name of definition template presented to user |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of definition template |
Description |
varchar(512) |
Yes |
Short explanation of definition template |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
EnglishName |
varchar(50) |
English name of definition template |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_FieldTemplates_DicDefinitionTemplates |
FieldTemplates |
PK_DicDefinitionTemplates |
FK_WFDefinitions_DicDefinitionTemplates |
WFDefinitions |
PK_DicDefinitionTemplates |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_DicDefinitionTemplates |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(255) |
Translated name of desk data source type presented to user |
EnglishName |
varchar(255) |
English name of desk data source type |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum velue of desk data source type |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_WFDataSources_DicDeskDataSourceTypes |
WFDataSources |
PK_DicDeskDataSourceTypes |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_DicDeskDataSourceTypes |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
nvarchar(50) |
Name of element status presented to user |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of element status |
Description |
nvarchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Short explanation of element status |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_WFElements_DicElementStatuses |
WFElements |
PK_DicElementStatuses |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Translated name of field detail type presented to user |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of field detail type |
Description |
varchar(512) |
Yes |
Short explanation of field detail type |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
EnglishName |
varchar(50) |
Yes |
English name of field detail type |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_WFDetailConfigs_DicFieldDetailTypes |
WFDetailConfigs |
PK_DicFieldDetailTypes |
FK_WFFieldDetailDefinitions_DicFieldDetailTypes |
WFFieldDetailDefinitions |
PK_DicFieldDetailTypes |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Translated name of indexing operation presented to user |
EnglishName |
varchar(50) |
English name of indexing operation |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of indexing operation |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_SolrIndexerQueueItems_DicIndexingOperations |
SolrIndexerQueueItems |
PK_DicIndexingOperations |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Translated name of log category presented to user |
EnglishName |
varchar(50) |
English name of log category |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of log category |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_AdminWFEventLogs_DicLogCategories |
AdminWFEventLogs |
PK_DicLogCategories |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Translated name of log source presented to user |
EnglishName |
varchar(50) |
English name of log source |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of log source |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_AdminWFEventLogs_DicLogSources |
AdminWFEventLogs |
PK_DicLogSources |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
ID of rule type |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Name of rule type |
EnglishName |
varchar(50) |
Name of rule type (English equivalent) |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum member |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
ICreation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_MassNotificationBusinessRules_DicMassNotificationRuleTypes |
MassNotificationBusinessRules |
PK_DicMassNotificationRuleTypes |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_DicMassNotificationRuleTypes |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Translated name of personal data cleaning mode presented to user |
EnglishName |
varchar(50) |
English name of personal data cleaning mode |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of personal data cleaning mode |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_WFConfigurations_DicPersonalDataCleaningModes |
WFConfigurations |
PK_DicPersonalDataCleaningModes |
FK_WFDefinitions_DicPersonalDataCleaningModes |
WFDefinitions |
PK_DicPersonalDataCleaningModes |
FK_WFDetailConfigs_DicPersonalDataCleaningModes |
WFDetailConfigs |
PK_DicPersonalDataCleaningModes |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_DicPersonalDataCleaningModes |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Translated name of personal data type presented to user |
EnglishName |
varchar(50) |
English name of personal data type |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of personal data type |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_WFConfigurations_DicPersonalDataTypes |
WFConfigurations |
PK_DicPersonalDataTypes |
FK_WFDetailConfigs_DicPersonalDataTypes |
WFDetailConfigs |
PK_DicPersonalDataTypes |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Translated name of personal data usage mode presented to user |
EnglishName |
varchar(50) |
English name of personal data usage mode |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of personal data usage mode |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_WFDataSources_DicPersonalDataUsageModes |
WFDataSources |
PK_DicPersonalDataUsageModes |
FK_WFDefinitions_DicPersonalDataUsageModes |
WFDefinitions |
PK_DicPersonalDataUsageModes |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_DicPersonalDataUsageModes |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Name of role presented to user |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of role |
Description |
varchar(512) |
Yes |
Short explanation of role |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ServiceRoles_RoleID_Roles_ID |
ServiceRoles |
PK_DicRoles |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Name of save object type presented to user |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of save object type |
RootEntity |
varchar(100) |
Description |
varchar(512) |
Yes |
Short explanation of save object type |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ChangeOperations_DicSaveObjectTypes |
ChangeOperations |
PK_DicSaveObjectTypes |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Name of security level presented to user |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of security level |
Description |
varchar(512) |
Yes |
Short explanation of security level |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_WFSecurity_DicSecurityLevel |
WFSecurities |
PK_DicSecurityLevel |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
nvarchar(50) |
Name of step type presented to user |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of step type |
Description |
nvarchar(512) |
Yes |
Short explanation of step type |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Substitution trigger type identifier |
Name |
varchar(255) |
Substitution trigger type name |
EnglishName |
varchar(255) |
Substitution trigger type name (English equivalent) |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum member |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_DicSubstitutionTriggers |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Substitution type identifier |
Name |
varchar(255) |
Substitution type name |
EnglishName |
varchar(255) |
Substitution type name (English equivalent) |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum member |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Flag name presented to user |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of task flag |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ActiveTasks_DicTaskFlags |
ActiveTasks |
PK_DicTaskFlags |
FK_HistoryTasks_DicTaskFlags |
HistoryTasks |
PK_DicTaskFlags |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Name of template type presented to user |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of template type |
Description |
varchar(512) |
Yes |
Short explanation of template type |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_WFMessageTemplates_DicTemplateTypes |
WFMessageTemplates |
PK_DicTemplateTypes |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
varchar(50) |
Translated name of object |
EnglishName |
varchar(50) |
English name of object |
ObjectName |
varchar(50) |
Enum value of object |
TableName |
varchar(50) |
Name of table correlated with object |
ColumnName |
varchar(50) |
Name of column correlated with object |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_DicTranslationsObjects |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_WFConfigurations_DicWFFieldTypes |
WFConfigurations |
PK_DicWFFieldTypes |
FK_WFFieldDefinitions_DicWFFieldTypes |
WFFieldDefinitions |
PK_DicWFFieldTypes |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
TypeID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
Name |
varchar(70) |
Translated WebPart name presented to user |
EnglishName |
varchar(70) |
English WebPart name |
ObjectName |
varchar(70) |
Enum WebPart value |
TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_AppReports_DicWebPartTypes |
AppReports |
PK_DicWebPartTypes |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
int |
Relation to the instance type |
int |
Relation to the Workflows table |
ASS_Name |
varchar(50) |
Yes |
Name |
ASS_Description |
varchar(500) |
Yes |
Description |
ASS_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Row insert date |
ASS_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Row update date |
ASS_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Row version |
ASS_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Global unique ID |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_DocTypeAssocciation_WFDocTypes |
DocTypeAssocciations |
PK_WFDocTypes |
FK_DocTypeAssocciation_WorkFlows |
DocTypeAssocciations |
PK_WorkFlows |
FK_AIAnalysisConfigurations_DocTypeAssocciations |
AIAnalysisConfigurations |
PK_DocTypeAssocciation |
FK_WFSecurities_DocTypeAssocciations |
WFSecurities |
PK_DocTypeAssocciation |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_DocTypeAssocciation |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_DocTypeAssocciations_Guid |
Yes |
100 |
IX_DocTypeAssocciations_ASS_WFID |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Row ID. |
int |
Stores process ID (foreign key to WFDefinitions.DEF_ID). |
EDC_Heading1WfconId |
int |
Yes |
Stores ID of attribute which will be displayed as heading (foreign key to WFConfigurations.WFCON_ID). If it is defined, EDC_Heading1SysAttId should be null. |
EDC_Heading1SysAttId |
int |
Yes |
Stores ID of system attribute which will be displayed as heading. If it is defined, EDC_Heading1WfconIdshould be null. |
EDC_Details1WfconId |
int |
Yes |
Stores ID of attribute which will be displayed as details row 1 (foreign key to WFConfigurations.WFCON_ID). If it is defined, EDC_Details1WfconId should be null. |
EDC_Details1SysAttId |
int |
Yes |
Stores ID of system attribute which will be displayed as details row 1. If it is defined, EDC_Details1WfconId be null. |
EDC_Details2WfconId |
int |
Yes |
Stores ID of attribute which will be displayed as details row 2 (foreign key to WFConfigurations.WFCON_ID). If it is defined, EDC_Details2WfconId should be null. |
EDC_Details2SysAttId |
int |
Yes |
Stores ID of system attribute which will be displayed as details row 2. If it is defined, EDC_Details2WfconId be null. |
EDC_Details3WfconId |
int |
Yes |
Stores ID of attribute which will be displayed as details row 3 (foreign key to WFConfigurations.WFCON_ID). If it is defined, EDC_Details3WfconId should be null. |
EDC_Details3SysAttId |
int |
Yes |
Stores ID of system attribute which will be displayed as details row 3. If it is defined, EDC_Details3WfconId be null. |
EDC_Details4WfconId |
int |
Yes |
Stores ID of attribute which will be displayed as details row 4 (foreign key to WFConfigurations.WFCON_ID). If it is defined, EDC_Details4WfconId should be null. |
EDC_Details4SysAttId |
int |
Yes |
Stores ID of system attribute which will be displayed as details row 4. If it is defined, EDC_Details2WfconId be null. |
EDC_Details5WfconId |
int |
Yes |
Stores ID of attribute which will be displayed as details row 5 (foreign key to WFConfigurations.WFCON_ID). If it is defined, EDC_Details5WfconId should be null. |
EDC_Details5SysAttId |
int |
Yes |
Stores ID of system attribute which will be displayed as details row 5. If it is defined, EDC_Details5WfconId be null. |
EDC_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Time of insert. |
EDC_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Time of update. |
EDC_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Row version. |
EDC_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Global unique ID |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ElementDisplayConfigs_WFDefinitions_DEF_ID |
ElementDisplayConfigs |
PK_WFDefinitions |
FK_ElementDisplayConfigs_WFConfigurations_Details1WfconId |
ElementDisplayConfigs |
PK_WFConfigurations |
FK_ElementDisplayConfigs_WFConfigurations_Details2WfconId |
ElementDisplayConfigs |
PK_WFConfigurations |
FK_ElementDisplayConfigs_WFConfigurations_Details3WfconId |
ElementDisplayConfigs |
PK_WFConfigurations |
FK_ElementDisplayConfigs_WFConfigurations_Details4WfconId |
ElementDisplayConfigs |
PK_WFConfigurations |
FK_ElementDisplayConfigs_WFConfigurations_Details5WfconId |
ElementDisplayConfigs |
PK_WFConfigurations |
FK_ElementDisplayConfigs_WFConfigurations_Heading1WfconId |
ElementDisplayConfigs |
PK_WFConfigurations |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_ElementDisplayConfigs |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_ElementDisplayConfigs_Guid |
Yes |
100 |
IX_ElementDisplayConfigs_EDC_DEF_ID |
100 |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ElementOperations_ContentDatabases |
ElementOperations |
PK_ContentDatabases |
FK_ElementOperations_MonthlyOperations |
ElementOperations |
PK_MonthlyOperations |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_ElementOperations |
Yes |
Yes |
0 |
IX_ElementOperations_WFDID |
0 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
EXC_Code |
varchar(3) |
Currency code |
EXC_Conversion |
int |
Currency converter |
EXC_PurchasePrice |
decimal(18,6) |
Yes |
Purchase price |
EXC_SellPrice |
decimal(18,6) |
Yes |
Sell price |
EXC_PublicationDate |
datetime |
Date of publication |
EXC_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
EXC_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
EXC_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
EXC_Name |
varchar(50) |
Yes |
Currency name |
EXC_Country |
varchar(100) |
Yes |
Country name with a given currency |
EXC_EffectDate |
datetime |
Exchange rate date |
EXC_AveragePrice |
decimal(18,6) |
Yes |
Average price |
EXC_AveragePriceSource |
nvarchar(100) |
Yes |
Table from which the average exchange rate was taken |
EXC_SellPurchasePriceSource |
nvarchar(100) |
Yes |
Table from which the selling and buying rate was taken |
EXC_DataSource |
int |
Currency exchange API identifier |
EXC_DirectQuotation |
int |
((0)) |
Currency exchange rate quotation type: direct 1 or indirect 0 |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_ExchangeRates |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
IX_ExchangeRates_EXC_EffectDateCode |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Expirable group from DicDataCacheGroups |
EOC_ExpirationDuration |
int |
Expiration duration in seconds |
EOC_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ExpiringObjectsConfigurations_DicDataCacheGroups |
ExpiringObjectsConfigurations |
PK_DicDataCacheGroups |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_ExpiringObjectsConfigurations |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
EXU_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
EXU_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
EXU_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
EXU_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
EXU_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
EXU_SpInternalLogin |
varchar(350) |
Stores user login in SharePoint |
EXU_Email |
varchar(255) |
Stores external user email |
EXU_DisplayName |
varchar(255) |
Stores external user display name |
EXU_Domain |
varchar(255) |
Stores external user domain |
EXU_IsSynchronized |
bit |
((0)) |
Stores value indicating if user was synchronized |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
FT_DefinitionTemplateID |
int |
Related DicDefinitionTemplates identifier |
int |
Related WFFieldDefinitions identifier |
FT_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
FT_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
FT_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_FieldTemplates_DicDefinitionTemplates |
FieldTemplates |
PK_DicDefinitionTemplates |
FK_FieldTemplates_WFFieldDefinitions |
FieldTemplates |
PK_WFFieldDefinitions |
FK_DicConfigurationTemplates_FieldTemplates |
DicConfigurationTemplates |
PK_FieldTemplates |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_FieldTemplates |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_FT_DefinitionTemplateID_FT_FDEFID |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Association identifier |
int |
Form identifier |
int |
Path identifier |
FPA_IsVisible |
bit |
((0)) |
Information if a path is visible on the form |
FPA_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Row insert date |
FPA_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Row update date |
FPA_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Row version |
FPA_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Global unique ID |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_FormPathAssocs_WFStepForms |
FormPathAssocs |
PK_WFStepForms |
FK_FormPathAssocs_WFAvaiblePaths |
FormPathAssocs |
PK_WFAvaiblePaths |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_FormPathAssocs |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_FormPathAssocs |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_FormPathAssocs_Guid |
Yes |
100 |
IX_FormPathAssocs_FPA_PATHID |
100 |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_HistoricalOperations_ContentDatabases |
HistoricalOperations |
PK_ContentDatabases |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_HistoricalOperations |
Yes |
Yes |
0 |
IX_HistoricalOperations_Month |
0 |
IX_HistoricalOperations_UserDisplayName |
0 |
IX_HistoricalOperations_UserBpsId |
0 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
int |
Correlated operation information |
IMPHD_TableName |
varchar(250) |
Modified table name |
IMPHD_Data |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Data of all modifications |
IMPHD_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Insertion time |
IMPHD_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Update time |
IMPHD_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Row version |
IMPHD_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Created by |
IMPHD_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Modified by |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_HistoryImportDatas_HistoryImports_ID |
HistoryImportDatas |
PK_HistoryImports |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
int |
Correlated operation information |
IMPHE_TableName |
varchar(250) |
Modified table name |
varchar(36) |
Modified entity GUID |
IMPHE_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Insertion time |
IMPHE_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Update time |
IMPHE_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Row version |
IMPHE_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Created by |
IMPHE_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Modified by |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_HistoryImportEntities_HistoryImports_ID |
HistoryImportEntities |
PK_HistoryImports |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
IMPH_Name |
varchar(140) |
Yes |
Import name |
IMPH_Description |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Import description |
IMPH_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
IMPH_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
IMPH_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
IMPH_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
IMPH_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
IMPH_Log |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Import Log |
IMPH_IsSuccess |
bit |
((1)) |
Indicates whether the import was successful |
IMPH_Operation |
int |
Yes |
Type of import operation |
IMPH_Duration |
int |
Yes |
Duration of import operation |
IMPH_AppVersion |
varchar(50) |
Yes |
Application version in which import operation was performed |
IMPH_DBVersion |
varchar(50) |
Yes |
Databsse version in which import operation was performed |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_HistoryImportDatas_HistoryImports_ID |
HistoryImportDatas |
PK_HistoryImports |
FK_HistoryImportEntities_HistoryImports_ID |
HistoryImportEntities |
PK_HistoryImports |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
HSI_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
HSI_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
HSI_SharedBy |
varchar(255) |
User that shared workflow instance |
HSI_Email |
varchar(255) |
Email of user the worflow instance was shared with |
int |
Shared workflow instance Id |
int |
Yes |
Id of action that shared workflow instance |
HSI_ShareAuthkey |
varchar(22) |
Share Id used for authentication |
HSI_StartShareMode |
int |
Share mode set on creation |
HSI_ShareMode |
int |
Current share mode |
HSI_Login |
varchar(255) |
Virtual user login |
HSI_DisplayName |
varchar(255) |
Virtual user display name |
HSI_EmailSent |
bit |
Link sharing flag - shared by email otherwise manually |
HSI_ClosedOn |
datetime |
Yes |
Share close date and time if closed manually |
HSI_ClosedBy |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
User that closed sharing if closed manually |
HSI_ExpireOn |
datetime |
Yes |
Share expiration date and time |
int |
Yes |
Shared workflow definition Id |
HSI_FailedAttemptsExceededDateTime |
datetime |
Yes |
Date and time when shared instance was locked due to too many failed authorization attempts |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_HistorySharedInstances |
Yes |
Yes |
0 |
IX_HistorySharedInstances_WFDID |
0 |
IX_HistorySharedInstances_HSI_DEFID |
0 |
IX_HistorySharedInstances_ShareAuthkey |
0 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
int |
int |
WFT_AssignTypeID |
int |
((1)) |
WFT_Name |
varchar(50) |
Yes |
WFT_Description |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
WFT_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Row insert date |
WFT_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Row update date |
WFT_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Row version |
WFT_IsDeleted |
bit |
((0)) |
A flag indicating whether the row is deleted |
WFT_User |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
WFT_UserName |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
WFT_ElementWasDisplayed |
bit |
((0)) |
WFT_IsFinished |
bit |
((0)) |
WFT_ActualCreatedTasks |
int |
Yes |
int |
Yes |
WFT_Version |
int |
((0)) |
int |
Yes |
Task identifier for which the current task is a substitution for |
WFT_ManualCover |
bit |
((0)) |
Determines whether the substitution is added manually or automatically (1 = manually, 0 = automatically) |
WFT_DurationToFinish |
int |
((0)) |
WFT_FinishedByUser |
bit |
((0)) |
WFT_FinishPath |
varchar(100) |
Yes |
WFT_FinishDate |
datetime |
Yes |
WFT_FormID |
int |
Yes |
Task form identifier |
WFT_AllowCover |
bit |
((1)) |
WFT_FinishedByAdmin |
bit |
Yes |
WFT_WFHIDTaskFinished |
int |
Yes |
WFT_AssignKind |
int |
Yes |
WFT_Flag |
int |
((1)) |
WFT_Overdue |
bit |
((0)) |
Specifies whether task is expired |
WFT_OverdueDate |
datetime |
Yes |
Specifies when task expired |
WFT_DeskDescription |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Description of the business rule used to determine to which users tasks will be assigned. Used only in Designer Desk projects. |
WFT_ExecutorLogin |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Login of the group user who performed the task |
WFT_ExecutorName |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Display name of the group user who performed the task |
int |
Yes |
Company identifier |
WFT_ToGroup |
bit |
Yes |
Determines if task is assigned to the group |
WFT_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Author |
WFT_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Last modifier |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_HistoryTasks_DicAssignTypes |
HistoryTasks |
PK_DicAssignTypes |
FK_HistoryTasks_DicAssignTypes |
HistoryTasks |
PK_DicAssignTypes |
FK_HistoryTasks_DicTaskFlags |
HistoryTasks |
PK_DicTaskFlags |
FK_HistoryTasks_WFStepForms |
HistoryTasks |
PK_WFStepForms |
FK_HistoryTasks_HistoryTasks_OrgID |
HistoryTasks |
PK_HistoryTasks |
FK_HistoryTasks_WFSteps |
HistoryTasks |
PK_WFSteps |
FK_HistoryTasks_WFSteps |
HistoryTasks |
PK_WFSteps |
FK_HistoryTasks_WFElements |
HistoryTasks |
PK_WFData |
FK_HistoryTasks_WFElements |
HistoryTasks |
PK_WFData |
FK_HistoryTasks_WFHistoryElements |
HistoryTasks |
PK_WFHistory |
FK_HistoryTasks_WFHistoryElements_TaskFinished |
HistoryTasks |
PK_WFHistory |
FK_HistoryTasks_HistoryTasks_OrgID |
HistoryTasks |
PK_HistoryTasks |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_HistoryTasks |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
IX_HistoryTasks_WFDID |
100 |
IX_HistoryTasks_WFHID |
100 |
IX_HistoryTasks_OrgID |
100 |
IX_HistoryTasks_WFHIDTaskFinished |
100 |
IX_HistoryTasks_User |
100 |
IX_HistoryTasks_FormID |
100 |
IX_HistoryTasks_WFDID_AssignTypeID_IsFinished_WFHID_User_OrgID |
100 |
IX_HistoryTasks_IsDeleted_WFDID_STPID_WFHID |
100 |
IX_HistoryTasks_STPID |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
HF_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
HF_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
HF_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
HF_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
HF_Name |
varchar(50) |
HotFolder name |
HF_IsActive |
bit |
Is HotFolder active |
HF_Priority |
int |
HotFolder priority |
HF_SourceDirectory |
varchar(255) |
Source directory |
HF_ArchiveDirectory |
varchar(255) |
Archive directory |
HF_ErrorDirectory |
varchar(255) |
Error directory |
HF_FileTypesFilter |
varchar(1000) |
Mode defines which files with given extension will be processed: 0 - All, 1 - OnlyPdf, 2 - CustomRegex |
HF_ResultFileNameTemplate |
varchar(100) |
Result file name template |
HF_WorkflowMode |
int |
Workflow Mode: 0 - Start new workflows and convert to PDF, 1 - Add attachment based on barcode, 2 - Start new workflows without convertion to PDF |
HF_FindBarcodes |
bit |
Find barcodes enabled |
HF_LookingForBarcodeMode |
int |
((0)) |
Looking for barcode mode: 0 - Standard barcode, 1 - Custom barcode |
HF_CustomBarcodeRegex |
varchar(1000) |
Yes |
Custom barcode regex |
HF_BarcodeFirstIteration |
int |
Yes |
Barcode first iteration |
HF_BarcodeSecondIteration |
int |
Yes |
Barcode second iteration |
HF_BarcodeThirdIteration |
int |
Yes |
Barcode third iteration |
HF_BarcodeSearchDPIMode |
int |
((0)) |
Barcode search DPI mode |
HF_SplitResultFileDataSource |
int |
((0)) |
Split result file data source |
HF_StartingProcessID |
int |
Yes |
Process identifier which refers to a row in WFDefinitions table |
HF_StartingDocTypeID |
int |
Yes |
DocType identifier which refers to a row in WFDocTypes table |
HF_StartingWorkflowID |
int |
Yes |
WorkFlow identifier which refers to a row in WorkFlows table |
HF_StartingPathID |
int |
Yes |
Initial path identifier of the newly created workflow instance |
HF_StartingCompanyID |
int |
Yes |
Initial company identifier of the newly created workflow instance |
HF_BarcodeMissingMode |
int |
((0)) |
Barcode missing mode: 0 - Start new workflow, 1 - Merge with previous file, 2 - Error |
HF_ElementMissingMode |
int |
((0)) |
Element missing mode: 0 - Start new workflow, 1 - Error |
HF_SplitResultFileByBarcode |
bit |
((0)) |
Split result file by barcode |
HF_Description |
varchar(1000) |
Yes |
HotFolder description |
HF_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
HF_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Entry unique identifier for import export mechanism |
HF_AssignedServer |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Assigned server |
HF_BarcodeMissingJoinToExistingErrorMode |
int |
((0)) |
Action to be performed after no previous workflow element was found: 0 - Start new workflow, 1 - Error |
HF_SplitStartWorkflowMode |
int |
Yes |
((0)) |
Mode for starting workflow documents after split |
HF_BarcodesOrder |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Barcodes order |
HF_FilesProcessingLimitInSingleRun |
int |
((50)) |
Maximum number of processing files in single run |
HF_IterationsToWaitForLastFile |
int |
((3)) |
Number of iteration to wait for last file |
HF_MaxAttemptsNumber |
int |
((5)) |
Number of max attempts |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_HotFolders_Companies |
HotFolders |
PK_Companies |
FK_HotFolders_WFDocTypes |
HotFolders |
PK_WFDocTypes |
FK_HotFolders_WFAvaiblePaths |
HotFolders |
PK_WFAvaiblePaths |
FK_HotFolders_WFDefinitions |
HotFolders |
PK_WFDefinitions |
FK_HotFolders_WorkFlows |
HotFolders |
PK_WorkFlows |
FK_HotProcessingFieldsSettings_HotFolders |
HotProcessingFieldsSettings |
PK_HotFolders |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
HM_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
HM_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
HM_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
HM_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
HM_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
HM_Name |
varchar(255) |
HotMailBox name |
HM_Description |
varchar(1000) |
Yes |
HotMailBox description |
HM_IsActive |
bit |
Is HotMailBox active |
HM_Priority |
int |
((5)) |
HotMailBox priority |
HM_Type |
int |
Type |
HM_UseCustomExchangeParameters |
bit |
Use custom exchange parameters |
HM_CustomExchangeServerVersion |
varchar(50) |
Yes |
Custom exchange server version |
HM_CustomExchangeServerAddress |
varchar(50) |
Yes |
Custom exchange server adress |
HM_ExchangeUserLogin |
varchar(200) |
Yes |
Exchange user login |
HM_ExchangeUserPassword |
nvarchar(200) |
Yes |
Exchange user password |
HM_SourceIsPublicFolder |
bit |
Mailbox source folder is public folder |
HM_ArchiveDirectory |
varchar(1000) |
Archive directory |
HM_ErrorDirectory |
varchar(1000) |
Error directory |
HM_EmailSenderFilteringDataSourceID |
int |
Yes |
Email sender filtering data source ID |
HM_EmailSenderFilteringConfiguration |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Email sender filtering configuration |
HM_WorkflowMode |
int |
Workflow mode: 0 - Start one workflow per email, 1 - Start one workflow per attachment, 2 - Join by barcodes in attachments, 3 - Join by ID found in email |
HM_AttachmentsFilterRegex |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Attachment filter regex |
HM_ResultFileNameTemplate |
varchar(100) |
Yes |
Result workflow instance attachment file name template |
HM_MoreThanOneToProcessMode |
int |
Process mode for more than one attachment found: 0 - To one workflow, 1 - Error |
HM_LookingForIDMode |
int |
Looking for ID mode: 0 - In subject, 1 - In body |
HM_LookingForIDRegex |
varchar(1000) |
Yes |
Looking for ID regex |
HM_ProcessEmailsWithoutAttachments |
bit |
Process emails without attachments |
HM_VerifyAttachmentExistence |
bit |
Verify attachment existence |
HM_UploadOriginalFile |
bit |
Upload original file |
HM_UploadAdditionalAttachments |
bit |
Upload additional attachments |
HM_AdditionalAttachmentsRegex |
varchar(1000) |
Yes |
Additional attachment regex |
HM_LookingForBarcodeMode |
int |
Looking for barcode mode: 0 - Standard BPS barcode, 1 - Custom barcode |
HM_CustomBarcodeRegex |
varchar(1000) |
Yes |
Custom barcode regex |
HM_BarcodeFirstIteration |
int |
Yes |
Barcode first iteration |
HM_BarcodeSecondIteration |
int |
Yes |
Barcode second iteration |
HM_BarcodeThirdIteration |
int |
Yes |
Barcode third iteration |
HM_SplitResultFileByBarcode |
bit |
Split result file by barcode |
HM_SplitResultFileDataSource |
int |
((0)) |
Split result file data source |
HM_StartingProcessID |
int |
Yes |
Process identifier which refers to a row in WFDefinitions table |
HM_StartingDocTypeID |
int |
Yes |
DocType identifier which refers to a row in WFDocTypes table |
HM_StartingWorkflowID |
int |
Yes |
WorkFlow identifier which refers to a row in WorkFlows table |
HM_StartingPathID |
int |
Yes |
AvaiblePath identifier which refers to a row in WFAvaiblePaths table |
HM_StartingCompanyID |
int |
Yes |
Company identifier which refers to a row in Companies table |
HM_SourceDirectory |
varchar(1000) |
Source directory |
HM_BarcodeSearchDPIMode |
int |
Barcode search DPI mode |
HM_OCRUploadMode |
int |
((0)) |
OCR upload mode: 0 - Separately, 1 - When all processed (obsolete) |
HM_EmailsProcessingLimitPerDay |
int |
((0)) |
Emails processing limit per day |
HM_EmailsProcessingLimitInSingleRun |
int |
((10)) |
Number of emails to precess in a single service iteration. 0 - means no limit |
HM_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Entry unique identifier for import export mechanism |
HM_IDNotFoundMode |
int |
((0)) |
Mode defines what action should be executed when based on the barcode from the attachment, no workflow instance has been found. ID not found mode: 0 - Error, 1 - Start new workflow. |
HM_BarcodeNotFoundMode |
int |
((0)) |
Barcode not found in attachment mode: 0 - Stop email processing, 1 - Start new workflow, 2 - Omit attachment |
HM_AssignedServer |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Assigned server |
HM_UploadEmailContentMode |
int |
((0)) |
Determines mode in which mail content should be uploaded as a .msg workflow instance attachment from HotMailBox: 0 - Never, 1 - Always, 2 - If no mail attachment was found |
HM_DaysLimitToOutdate |
int |
((30)) |
Column contains number of days in past after which emails with older date will be ignored |
HM_SplitStartWorkflowMode |
int |
Yes |
((0)) |
Mode for starting workflow documents after split |
HM_BarcodesOrder |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Barcodes order |
HM_ArchiveIsPublicFolder |
bit |
((0)) |
Archive directory is public folder |
HM_ErrorIsPublicFolder |
bit |
((0)) |
Error directory is public folder |
HM_ApplicationID |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
ID of MS Graph Application used by this hotmailbox |
HM_MaxAttemptsNumber |
int |
((5)) |
Number of max attempts |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_HotMailBoxs_Companies |
HotMailBoxs |
PK_Companies |
FK_HotMailBoxs_WFDocTypes |
HotMailBoxs |
PK_WFDocTypes |
FK_HotMailBoxs_WFAvaiblePaths |
HotMailBoxs |
PK_WFAvaiblePaths |
FK_HotMailBoxs_WFDefinitions |
HotMailBoxs |
PK_WFDefinitions |
FK_HotMailBoxs_WorkFlows |
HotMailBoxs |
PK_WorkFlows |
FK_AdminHotMailboxLogs_HotMailBoxes |
AdminHotMailboxLogs |
PK_HotMailBoxs |
FK_HotProcessingFieldsSettings_HotMailBoxs |
HotProcessingFieldsSettings |
PK_HotMailBoxs |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
HPFS_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
HPFS_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
HPFS_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
HPFS_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
varchar(50) |
Database column name from WFElements of a Form field to be set |
HPFS_Value |
varchar(MAX) |
HotProcessingField value |
int |
Yes |
HotMailBox identifier which refers to a row in HotMailBoxs table |
int |
Yes |
HotFolder identifier which refers to a row in HotFolders table |
HPFS_SettingMode |
int |
It is possible to choose that workflow instance selected form field will always be filled or only when it is empty: 0 - Set when empty, 1 - Always |
HPFS_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_HotProcessingFieldsSettings_HotFolders |
HotProcessingFieldsSettings |
PK_HotFolders |
FK_HotProcessingFieldsSettings_HotMailBoxs |
HotProcessingFieldsSettings |
PK_HotMailBoxs |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_HotProcessingFieldsSettings |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_IdentityAccessTokens |
Yes |
Yes |
0 |
IX_IdentityAccessTokens_UserId |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
IL_LoginProvider |
varchar(128) |
External provider identifier |
IL_ProviderKey |
varchar(128) |
External provider user identifier |
int |
Identity user identifier |
IL_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
IL_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
IL_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
IL_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
IL_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_IdentityLogins_IdentityUsers_IUID |
IdentityLogins |
PK_IdentityUsers |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
IRT_TokenIdentifier |
varchar(255) |
Refresh token unique identifier |
IRT_UserName |
varchar(255) |
User for which token is issued |
IRT_ExpirationUnixTimeMiliseconds |
bigint |
Expiration time, in miliseconds in unix time |
IRT_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
IRT_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
IRT_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_IdentityUserRoles_IdentityRoles_IRID |
IdentityUserRoles |
PK_IdentityRoles |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
IST_Guid |
varchar(36) |
Guid |
IST_UserId |
varchar(255) |
User identifier |
IST_Value |
varbinary(MAX) |
Value of the ticket |
IST_LastActivity |
datetime |
Yes |
Last activity time in UTC |
IST_Expires |
datetime |
Yes |
Expiration time in UTC |
IST_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
IST_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
IST_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_IdentitySessionTickets |
Yes |
Yes |
0 |
UQ_IdentitySessionTickets_Guid |
Yes |
0 |
IX_IdentitySessionTickets_UserId |
0 |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_IdentityUserRoles_IdentityRoles_IRID |
IdentityUserRoles |
PK_IdentityRoles |
FK_IdentityUserRoles_IdentityUsers_IUID |
IdentityUserRoles |
PK_IdentityUsers |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
IU_Email |
varchar(256) |
Yes |
Users email |
IU_EmailConfirmed |
bit |
Is email confirmed |
IU_PasswordHash |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Password hash |
IU_SecurityStamp |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Security stamp |
IU_PhoneNumber |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Phone number |
IU_PhoneNumberConfirmed |
bit |
Is phone number confirmed |
IU_TwoFactorEnabled |
bit |
Is two factor auth enabled |
IU_LockoutEndDateUtc |
datetime |
Yes |
Account lockout end date |
IU_LockoutEnabled |
bit |
Is lockout enabled |
IU_AccessFailedCount |
int |
Access failed count |
IU_UserName |
varchar(256) |
User name |
IU_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
IU_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
IU_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
IU_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
IU_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_Claims_IdentityUsers_IUID |
Claims |
PK_IdentityUsers |
FK_IdentityLogins_IdentityUsers_IUID |
IdentityLogins |
PK_IdentityUsers |
FK_IdentityUserRoles_IdentityUsers_IUID |
IdentityUserRoles |
PK_IdentityUsers |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_IdentityUsers |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_IdentityUsers_UserName |
Yes |
0 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
IECB_BranchNumber |
varchar(50) |
Column with branch number |
IECB_BuildVersion |
int |
Column with build version |
IECB_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
IECB_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
IECB_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
IECB_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
IECB_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_ImportExportCompatibilities |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
KPIELEM_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
KPIELEM_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
KPIELEM_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
datetime |
Day of analysis |
int |
Relation to process |
int |
Yes |
Relation to workflow |
int |
Yes |
Relation to step |
KPIELEM_AllItems |
int |
All element count |
KPIELEM_AllActiveElems |
int |
Active element count |
KPIELEM_AllActiveTasks |
int |
Active task count |
KPIELEM_AllOverdueTasks |
int |
Active task with exceeded execution time count |
KPIELEM_CreatedNewElemsInCurrentDay |
int |
Element created in day of analysis count |
KPIELEM_FinishedElemsInCurrentDay |
int |
Element finished in day of analysis count |
KPIELEM_FinishedTasksInCurrentDay |
int |
Task finished in day of analysis count |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_KPIElements_WFDefinitions |
KPIElements |
PK_WFDefinitions |
FK_KPIElements_WFSteps |
KPIElements |
PK_WFSteps |
FK_KPIElements_WorkFlows |
KPIElements |
PK_WorkFlows |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
KPIQUE_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
KPIQUE_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
KPIQUE_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
datetime |
Day of analysis |
KPIQUE_TextLayer |
int |
TextLayer queue item count |
int |
OCR AI recognition queue item count |
int |
OCR AI learn queue item count |
int |
Email send queue item count |
KPIQUE_Timeouts |
int |
Active timeout queue item count |
KPIQUE_TimeoutsInSleep |
int |
TextLayer queue item count |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
KPITOP_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
KPITOP_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
KPITOP_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
int |
Type of aggregation.
1 - tasks with exceed execution time
2 - delegated tasks
3 - actions in BPS, i.e. path transitions |
KPITOP_AggregationLevelID |
int |
Aggregation level type. 0 - global level, 1 - Process level, 2 - WorkFlow level, 3 - Step level |
datetime |
Day of analysis |
int |
Yes |
Relation to process |
int |
Yes |
Relation to workflow |
int |
Yes |
Relation to step |
KPITOP_Login |
varchar(255) |
User login |
KPITOP_UserName |
varchar(255) |
User display name |
KPITOP_Quantity |
int |
Quantity of elements, tasks, etc. |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
MNBR_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
MNBR_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
MNBR_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
MNBR_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
int |
Related mass notification |
int |
Reference to business rule definition |
MNBR_Type |
int |
((0)) |
Rule type |
MNBR_ConditionType |
int |
Condition to apply to rule result |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_MassNotificationBusinessRules_WFBusinessRuleDefinitions |
MassNotificationBusinessRules |
PK_WFBusinessRuleDefinitions |
FK_MassNotificationBusinessRules_DicConditionTypes |
MassNotificationBusinessRules |
PK_DicConditionTypes |
FK_MassNotificationBusinessRules_MassNotifications |
MassNotificationBusinessRules |
PK_MassNotifications |
FK_MassNotificationBusinessRules_DicMassNotificationRuleTypes |
MassNotificationBusinessRules |
PK_DicMassNotificationRuleTypes |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_MassNotificationBusinessRules |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_MassNotificationBusinessRules_Guid |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
MND_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
MND_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
MND_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
MND_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
int |
ID of related MassNotification |
int |
ID of selected source process |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_MassNotificationDefinitions_WFDefinitions |
MassNotificationDefinitions |
PK_WFDefinitions |
FK_MassNotificationDefinitions_MassNotifications |
MassNotificationDefinitions |
PK_MassNotifications |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_MassNotificationDefinitions |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_MassNotificationDefinitions_Guid |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
MNS_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
MNS_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
MNS_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
MNS_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
int |
ID of related MassNotification |
MNS_StartTime |
datetime |
Time when notification must be sent |
MNS_DayOfWeek |
int |
Yes |
Day of week when notification must be sent |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_MassNotificationSchedules_MassNotifications |
MassNotificationSchedules |
PK_MassNotifications |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_MassNotificationSchedules |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_MassNotificationSchedules_Guid |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
MN_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
MN_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
MN_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
MN_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
MN_IsActive |
bit |
((1)) |
Flag determining whether notification are active or not |
MN_Name |
varchar(50) |
Notification template name |
MN_Topic |
varchar(1000) |
Subject of notification e-mail |
MN_ProcessesSelectionMode |
int |
((0)) |
Flag determining whether notification applies to all processes or selected processes |
MN_DeploymentMode |
bit |
((0)) |
Flag determining whether all e-mails should be redirected to MN_OverridenRecipient address |
MN_OverridenRecipient |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Redirect all e-mails to selected address |
MN_NotificationLanguage |
int |
Yes |
Notification Language |
MN_NewUserNotificationLanguage |
int |
Yes |
Notification language for new users |
MN_OverridenMailTemplate |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Mail template in case if global tempalte was overriden |
MN_UseCustomSendRules |
bit |
((0)) |
Flag determining whether or not sending rules were overriden |
MN_OnlyInWorkingDays |
bit |
((0)) |
Flag restricting sending to work days only |
MN_MailTemplateEditMode |
int |
((0)) |
Column which contains informations about chosen mail template edit mode |
MN_IsOverridenMailTemplate |
bit |
((0)) |
Column contains information if mail template is overriden |
MN_NewUserNotificationLanguageType |
int |
((0)) |
Type of new user language selection |
MN_NotificationLanguageType |
int |
((0)) |
Type of language selection |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_MassNotifications_TranslateLanguages_NewUserNotificationLanguage |
MassNotifications |
PK_TransalateLanguages |
FK_MassNotifications_TranslateLanguages_NotificationLanguage |
MassNotifications |
PK_TransalateLanguages |
FK_MassNotificationBusinessRules_MassNotifications |
MassNotificationBusinessRules |
PK_MassNotifications |
FK_MassNotificationDefinitions_MassNotifications |
MassNotificationDefinitions |
PK_MassNotifications |
FK_MassNotificationSchedules_MassNotifications |
MassNotificationSchedules |
PK_MassNotifications |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_MassNotifications |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_MassNotifications_Guid |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
PNQ_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
PNQ_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
PNQ_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
PNQ_Priority |
int |
Priority |
PNQ_ThreadId |
int |
Yes |
Processing Thread Id |
PNQ_Status |
int |
((0)) |
Status |
PNQ_AttemptsNumber |
int |
((0)) |
Attempts number |
PNQ_LastAttemptTime |
datetime |
Yes |
Last attempt time |
PNQ_ProcessingFinishedTime |
datetime |
Yes |
Processing finished time |
PNQ_ServiceName |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Processing service name |
PNQ_LastError |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Last error |
PNQ_UserLogin |
varchar(250) |
Yes |
Stores push receiver login |
PNQ_NotificationType |
int |
Type of notification |
PNQ_NotificationData |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
JSON with data |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_MobilePushNotificationsQueueItems |
Yes |
Yes |
0 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
MOP_User |
varchar(255) |
User |
MOP_Month |
date(10) |
Month |
MOP_Operations |
bigint |
Number of used operations |
MOP_Signature |
binary(256) |
Yes |
Digital signature |
MOP_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
MOP_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
MOP_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ElementOperations_MonthlyOperations |
ElementOperations |
PK_MonthlyOperations |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_MonthlyOperations |
Yes |
Yes |
0 |
UQ_MonthlyOperations_User_Month |
Yes |
0 |
IX_MonthlyOperations_Month |
0 |
IX_MonthlyOperations_User |
0 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Row ID |
OAD_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Time of insert |
OAD_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Time of update |
OAD_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Row version |
int |
Project ID |
OAD_FieldId |
varchar(127) |
OCR AI field key |
OAD_FieldName |
varchar(127) |
OCR AI field friendly name |
OAD_IsCustom |
bit |
((0)) |
Marks if field was created by user |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_OcrAiFieldDefinitions_OcrAiProjects |
OcrAiFieldDefinitions |
PK_OcrAiProjects |
FK_OcrAiFields_OcrAiFieldDefinitions |
OcrAiFields |
PK_OcrAiFieldDefinitions |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_OcrAiFieldDefinitions |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_OcrAiFieldDefinitions_OcrAiProjects |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Row ID |
OAF_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Time of insert |
OAF_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Time of update |
OAF_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Row version |
int |
Field Definition ID |
OAF_WagFile |
varchar(MAX) |
OCR AI neural network |
OAF_FieldFile |
varchar(MAX) |
OCR AI neural network configuration |
int |
Project Version ID |
OAF_RecPositive |
int |
Yes |
Count of correctly recognized values in sample |
OAF_RecNegative |
int |
Yes |
Count of incorrectly recognized values in sample |
OAF_UnrecPositive |
int |
Yes |
Count of correctly unrecognized values in sample |
OAF_UnrecNegative |
int |
Yes |
Count of incorrectly unrecognized values in sample |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_OcrAiFields_OcrAiFieldDefinitions |
OcrAiFields |
PK_OcrAiFieldDefinitions |
FK_OcrAiFields_OcrAiProjectVersions |
OcrAiFields |
PK_OcrAiProjectVersionsDefinitions |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_OcrAiWeights |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_OcrAiFields_OcrAiFieldDefinitions_OcrAiProjectVersions |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Row ID |
int |
Foreign key to WFDataAttachmets |
int |
Foreign key to WFActions |
OALQ_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Time of insert |
OALQ_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Time of update |
OALQ_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Row version |
OALQ_Priority |
int |
Priority |
OALQ_ServiceName |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Processing service name |
OALQ_Status |
int |
((0)) |
Status |
OALQ_AttemptsNumber |
int |
((0)) |
Attempts number |
OALQ_Fields |
varchar(MAX) |
Workflow fields for learn (eg. AttText1) |
OALQ_LastAttemptTime |
datetime |
Yes |
Last attempt time |
OALQ_LastError |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Last error |
OALQ_ThreadId |
int |
Yes |
Processing Thread Id for Ocr AI Learn |
OALQ_ProcessingFinishedTime |
datetime |
Yes |
Processing finished time |
OALQ_LastUploadAttemptTime |
datetime |
Yes |
Last uplaod attempt time |
OALQ_UploadFinishedTime |
datetime |
Yes |
Upload finished time |
OALQ_SectionGuid |
varchar(36) |
Yes |
Action section GUID |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_OcrAiLearnQueueItems_WFActions |
OcrAiLearnQueueItems |
PK_WFActions |
FK_OcrAiLearnQueueItems_WFDataAttachmets |
OcrAiLearnQueueItems |
PK_WFDataAttachmets |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_OcrAiProjectVersions_OcrAiProjects |
OcrAiProjectVersions |
PK_OcrAiProjects |
FK_OcrAiFields_OcrAiProjectVersions |
OcrAiFields |
PK_OcrAiProjectVersionsDefinitions |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_OcrAiProjectVersionsDefinitions |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_OcrAiProjectVersions |
Yes |
100 |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_OcrAiFieldDefinitions_OcrAiProjects |
OcrAiFieldDefinitions |
PK_OcrAiProjects |
FK_OcrAiProjectsToAttachments_OcrAiProjects |
OcrAiProjectsToAttachments |
PK_OcrAiProjects |
FK_OcrAiProjectVersions_OcrAiProjects |
OcrAiProjectVersions |
PK_OcrAiProjects |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_OcrAiProjectsToAttachments_WFDataAttachmets |
OcrAiProjectsToAttachments |
PK_WFDataAttachmets |
FK_OcrAiProjectsToAttachments_OcrAiProjects |
OcrAiProjectsToAttachments |
PK_OcrAiProjects |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_OcrAiProjectsToAttachments |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_OcrAiProjectsToAttachments_WFDataAttachmets_OcrAiProjects |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Row ID |
OAQ_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Time of insert |
OAQ_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Time of update |
OAQ_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Row version |
OAQ_Priority |
int |
Priority |
OAQ_ServiceName |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Processing service name |
int |
Foreign key to WFDataAttachmets |
OAQ_Status |
int |
((0)) |
Status |
OAQ_AttemptsNumber |
int |
((0)) |
Attempts number |
OAQ_LastAttemptTime |
datetime |
Yes |
Last attempt time |
OAQ_LastError |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Last error |
OAQ_ThreadId |
int |
Yes |
Processing Thread Id for Text Layer in OCR |
int |
Foreign key to WFActions |
OAQ_LastUploadAttemptTime |
datetime |
Yes |
Last uplaod attempt time |
OAQ_ProcessingFinishedTime |
datetime |
Yes |
Processing finished time |
OAQ_UploadFinishedTime |
datetime |
Yes |
Upload finished time |
OAQ_SectionGuid |
varchar(36) |
Yes |
Action section GUID |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_OcrAiQueueItems_WFActions |
OcrAiQueueItems |
PK_WFActions |
FK_OcrAiQueueItems_WFDataAttachmets |
OcrAiQueueItems |
PK_WFDataAttachmets |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_OcrAiQueueItems |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_OcrAiQueueItems_WFDataAttachmets |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
OFA_Name |
varchar(50) |
The name of the favorite outlook item |
OFA_MoveType |
int |
Type |
int |
Yes |
Related AppExploreDefinitions identifier |
OFA_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
OFA_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
OFA_User |
varchar(255) |
User login |
OFA_UserName |
varchar(255) |
User name |
OFA_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_OutlookFavorites_MoveDefinitions |
OutlookFavorites |
PK_AppExploreDefinitions |
FK_OutlookFavoritesParts_OutlookFavorites |
OutlookFavoritesParts |
PK_OutlookFavorites |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Favorite part identifier |
int |
Identifier of the related favorite |
OFP_Level |
int |
Level in structure |
OFP_ChoiceValue |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Chosen value |
OFP_ChoiceName |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Display name of the chosen value |
OFP_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Date of adding |
OFP_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Modification date |
OFP_Sort |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Chosen sorting |
int |
Yes |
Identifier of the related element |
OFP_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Row version |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_OutlookFavoritesParts_OutlookFavorites |
OutlookFavoritesParts |
PK_OutlookFavorites |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
int |
Element ID |
int |
History version ID |
PTL_Latitude |
decimal(8,5) |
Lattitude part of location |
PTL_Longitude |
decimal(8,5) |
Longitude part of location |
PTL_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
PTL_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
PTL_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
PTL_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
PTL_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
PTL_IsFromNativeMobileApplication |
bit |
Determines whether the location comes from a mobile application |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_PathTransitionLocations_WFElements |
PathTransitionLocations |
PK_WFData |
FK_PathTransitionLocations_WFHistoryElements |
PathTransitionLocations |
PK_WFHistory |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_PathTransitionLocations |
Yes |
Yes |
0 |
IX_PathTransitionLocations_PTL_WFDID |
100 |
IX_PathTransitionLocations_PTL_WFHID |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
int |
Performance indicator ID |
int |
Workflow Element ID |
PIE_HistoryVersion |
int |
Workflow element history version number |
PIE_EventType |
int |
Event type - 0 start, 1 stop |
PIE_Date |
datetime |
Current Date time |
PIE_ExpectedTime |
bigint |
Yes |
Expected time |
PIE_ActualTime |
bigint |
Yes |
Actual time |
PIE_StartValue |
bigint |
Yes |
Start value |
PIE_Mode |
int |
Mode |
PIE_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
PIE_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
PIE_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
PIE_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
PIE_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
PIE_ActionMode |
int |
((0)) |
Stores action operating mode |
PIE_IsCalculated |
bit |
((0)) |
True if indicator execution was stopped and calculated. Only last execution can have this value |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_PerformanceIndicatorExecutions_PerformanceIndicators |
PerformanceIndicatorExecutions |
PK_PerformanceIndicators |
FK_PerformanceIndicatorExecutions_WFElements |
PerformanceIndicatorExecutions |
PK_WFData |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_PerformanceIndicatorExecutions |
Yes |
Yes |
0 |
IX_PerformanceIndicatorExecutions_WFDID_PIID |
0 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
PI_Name |
varchar(255) |
Performance indicator name |
PI_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Performance indicator guid |
int |
Process which have performance indicator |
PI_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
PI_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
PI_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
PI_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
PI_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
PI_DocumentationDescription |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Performance indicator documentation description |
PI_IsArchive |
bit |
((0)) |
Is performance indicator archived |
PI_ExpectedValue |
int |
Exptected value in seconds |
PI_Mode |
int |
Calculation mode |
PI_IndicatorBRDID |
int |
Yes |
Custom calculation business rule ID |
PI_WorkStartCustom |
bit |
((0)) |
Check if work start hours are custom |
PI_WorkEndCustom |
bit |
((0)) |
Check if work end hours are custom |
PI_WorkStartHour |
datetime |
('1970-01-01 09:00:00.000') |
Work start hours |
PI_WorkEndHour |
datetime |
('1970-01-01 17:00:00.000') |
Work end hours |
PI_WorkingDayLength |
datetime |
('1970-01-01 08:00:00.000') |
Working day length for business rule |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_PerformanceIndicators_WFDefinitions |
PerformanceIndicators |
PK_WFDefinitions |
FK_PerformanceIndicators_WFBusinessRuleDefinitions |
PerformanceIndicators |
PK_WFBusinessRuleDefinitions |
FK_PerformanceIndicatorExecutions_PerformanceIndicators |
PerformanceIndicatorExecutions |
PK_PerformanceIndicators |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_PerformanceIndicators |
Yes |
Yes |
0 |
UQ_PerformanceIndicators_Guid |
Yes |
0 |
IX_PerformanceIndicators_PI_DEFID |
0 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
PDQ_DictionaryTable |
varchar(255) |
Personal data dictionary table name |
PDQ_DictionaryID |
int |
Personal data dictionary identifier |
PDQ_SearchKey |
varchar(255) |
Identifier of element in dictionary |
PDQ_ActionID |
int |
Personal data removal action ID |
PDQ_Author |
varchar(50) |
Person who triggered the action |
PDQ_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
PDQ_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
PDQ_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
PDQ_Priority |
int |
Priority |
PDQ_ServiceName |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Processing service name |
PDQ_Status |
int |
((0)) |
Status |
PDQ_AttemptsNumber |
int |
((0)) |
Attempts number |
PDQ_LastAttemptTime |
datetime |
Yes |
Last attempt time |
PDQ_LastError |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Last error |
PDQ_ThreadId |
int |
Yes |
Processing Thread Id |
PDQ_ProcessingFinishedTime |
datetime |
Yes |
Processing finished time |
PDQ_SectionGuid |
varchar(36) |
Yes |
Action section GUID |
PDQ_ActionElementID |
int |
Yes |
ID of an element on which action was fired |
int |
Company ID |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_PersonalDataRemovalQueueItems_WFActions |
PersonalDataRemovalQueueItems |
PK_WFActions |
FK_PersonalDataRemovalQueueItems_Companies |
PersonalDataRemovalQueueItems |
PK_Companies |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_PersonalDataRemovalQueueItems |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
PLF_FileName |
varchar(255) |
Plugin file name |
PLF_FullName |
varchar(MAX) |
Plugin full assembly name |
int |
Related plugin package id |
PLF_Content |
image(2147483647) |
File content |
PLF_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Global unique ID |
PLF_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
PLF_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
PLF_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
PLF_ContentHash |
binary(32) |
Yes |
File content hash |
PLF_Extension |
varchar(50) |
('dll') |
Plugin file extension |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_PluginFiles_PluginPackages |
PluginFiles |
PK_PluginPackages |
FK_WFPlugins_PluginFiles_Modern |
WFPlugIns |
PK_PluginFiles |
FK_WFPlugins_PluginFiles |
WFPlugIns |
PK_PluginFiles |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
PLP_Name |
varchar(MAX) |
Package name |
PLP_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Global unique ID |
PLP_Version |
int |
Package version |
PLP_Metadata |
varchar(MAX) |
Package metadata |
PLP_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
PLP_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
PLP_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
PLP_IsSystem |
bit |
Default package extension provided by bps |
PLP_IsNative |
bit |
((0)) |
Plugin package containing native libraries |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_PluginFiles_PluginPackages |
PluginFiles |
PK_PluginPackages |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
PAP_Type |
int |
Type of provider |
PAP_Active |
bit |
((1)) |
Is provider active |
PAP_Name |
varchar(250) |
Caption of provider |
PAP_ClientId |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Client id |
PAP_ClientSecret |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Client secret |
PAP_PublicHost |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Public host |
PAP_Issuer |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Issuer |
PAP_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
PAP_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
PAP_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
PAP_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
PAP_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
PAP_IsMultiTenant |
bit |
((0)) |
Is provider configured for multi tenant |
PAP_LogoutRedirectUrl |
varchar(2048) |
Yes |
Redirect URL after logout |
PAP_ActiveInStudio |
bit |
((0)) |
Is provider active for Designer Studio |
PAP_Scheme |
varchar(50) |
PAP_Scopes |
varchar(2000) |
Yes |
PAP_UserIdCustomClaim |
varchar(1000) |
Yes |
UserId custom claim value |
PAP_UserIdClaimType |
int |
((0)) |
UserId claim type |
PAP_DontUseProxy |
bit |
((0)) |
Is users authentication provider use proxy |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_PortalAuthenticationProviders |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_PortalAuthenticationProviders_PAP_Scheme |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
PFV_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Date of row insertion |
PFV_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Date of row update |
PFV_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Row version |
PFV_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Entry unique identifier for import export mechanism |
PFV_UserLogin |
varchar(256) |
Yes |
Login of user |
PFV_Name |
nvarchar(50) |
Favourite name |
PFV_Order |
int |
Order |
PFV_Url |
varchar(2048) |
Favourite url |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
PLA_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
PLA_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
PLA_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
PLA_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
PLA_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
PLA_DisplayName |
nvarchar(MAX) |
Package display name |
PLA_LanguageCode |
varchar(50) |
Package language-country code |
PLA_UseCustomPortalTranslatesPackage |
bit |
((0)) |
Flag indicating whether to use custom WEBCON BPS Portal translates package file instead of default |
PLA_IsSystem |
bit |
((0)) |
Flag indicating whether package is system one, which makes language package indelible and name uneditable |
PLA_IsActive |
bit |
((0)) |
Flag indicating whether package is active. Active packages may be selected by end users |
PLA_PortalTranslates |
nvarchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Custom portal translates pack |
PLA_BusinessLogicTranslates |
nvarchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Custom business logic translates pack |
PLA_IsDefault |
bit |
((0)) |
Defines default language for language packs |
PLA_PortalCustomTranslates |
nvarchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Custom Portal translates |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_UserProfiles_PortalLanguagePacks |
UserProfiles |
PK_PortalLanguagePacks |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
int |
WFDataAttachmets foreign key |
int |
WFDataConnections foreign key |
PUA_FilePath |
varchar(400) |
Yes |
File path on remote disk |
PUA_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
PUA_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
PUA_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
PUA_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
PUA_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_PublishedAttachments_WFDataAttachments |
PublishedAttachments |
PK_WFDataAttachmets |
FK_PublishedAttachments_WFDataConnections |
PublishedAttachments |
PK_WFDataConnections |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_PublishedAttachments |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
IDX_NCL_PublishedAttachments_WFCID |
100 |
IDX_NCL_PublishedAttachments_ATTID |
100 |
IX_PublishedAttachments_PUA_ATTID |
0 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
varchar(450) |
BPS identifier |
int |
Application identifier |
PNA_Guid |
varchar(255) |
Globally Unique Identifier |
PNA_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
PNA_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
PNA_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Last modifier |
PNA_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_PushNotificationsApplications |
PushNotificationsApplications |
PK_WFApplications |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_PushNotificationsApplications |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_PushNotificationsApplications |
Yes |
0 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
RAP_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
RAP_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RAP_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
RAP_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
RAP_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
RAP_ClientId |
varchar(50) |
ClientId for the app |
RAP_ClientSecret |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
ClientSecret for the app |
RAP_AppLogin |
varchar(250) |
Login for app when it is not impersonating |
RAP_AppEmail |
varchar(250) |
Yes |
Email of app (distribution group) |
RAP_AllowImpersonate |
bit |
((0)) |
If app is allowed to impersonate users |
RAP_AppName |
varchar(250) |
Yes |
Name for the app |
RAP_ImpersonationApps |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
List of applications with impersonation permissions |
RAP_Configuration |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Additional configuration of app |
RAP_AppType |
int |
Holds value for application type. AppContext = 1, UserContext = 2, DistributedService = 3 |
RAP_AgentConfiguration |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Serialized configuration of service agents applications |
RAP_IsSystem |
bit |
((0)) |
System application provided by webcon |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_RegisteredAppsGrants_RegisteredApps_RAPID |
RegisteredAppsGrants |
PK_RegisteredApps |
FK_RegisteredAppsScopes_RegisteredApps_RAPID |
RegisteredAppsScopes |
PK_RegisteredApps |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
bigint |
Yes |
Identifier |
int |
Id of related registered app |
RAG_Key |
nvarchar(200) |
Unique identifier for the persisted grant |
RAG_Type |
nvarchar(50) |
Type of the grant |
nvarchar(200) |
Yes |
Id of user to which the grant belongs |
RAG_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
RAG_Expiration |
datetime |
Yes |
The expiration of the grant |
RAG_Data |
nvarchar(MAX) |
Yes |
The grant specific serialized data |
RAG_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_RegisteredAppsGrants_RegisteredApps_RAPID |
RegisteredAppsGrants |
PK_RegisteredApps |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_RegisteredAppsGrants |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
IX_RegisteredAppsGrants_Key |
100 |
IX_RegisteredAppsGrants_BpsID |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
int |
Id of related registered app |
RSC_Scope |
int |
Value of WebCon.BPSCloud.Model.Identity.Api.ScopeType enum |
RSC_ScopeGuid |
nvarchar(36) |
Yes |
Application or process guid for selected scops |
RSC_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_RegisteredAppsScopes_RegisteredApps_RAPID |
RegisteredAppsScopes |
PK_RegisteredApps |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
REG_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
REG_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
REG_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
REG_PhoneToken |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Token for the device |
REG_LoginName |
varchar(255) |
Login |
varchar(255) |
Phones UDID |
REG_Platform |
varchar(1000) |
Yes |
Device platform |
REG_LastUse |
datetime |
Date and time when user last time logged in with mobile device |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_Devices_RegisteredPhones |
Devices |
PK_RegisteredPhones |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Resettable group from DicDataCacheGroups |
RCT_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
RCT_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
RCT_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ResettableObjectsChangeTimestamps_DicDataCacheGroups |
ResettableObjectsChangeTimestamps |
PK_DicDataCacheGroups |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_ResettableObjectsChangeTimestamps |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
SCH_Type |
int |
Schedule type |
SCH_StartTime |
datetime |
Start time |
SCH_EndTime |
datetime |
Yes |
End time |
SCH_DayOfWeek |
int |
Yes |
Day of week |
SCH_IsNextDay |
bit |
Yes |
Column wih information, if end time is on next day |
SCH_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
SCH_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
SCH_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
SCH_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
SCH_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_SdkTemporaryEntities |
Yes |
Yes |
0 |
IX_SdkTemporaryEntities_GroupID |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Activity entry id. |
SAI_ServiceID |
int |
Id of service to which information relates. |
SAI_RolesRunnerID |
int |
Yes |
Id of service which runs related service roles. |
SAI_CancelationTime |
datetime |
Yes |
Time of last cancelation. |
SAI_IsInSafeMode |
bit |
((0)) |
Information about running in safe mode. |
SAI_LicenceServiceLocation |
varchar(200) |
Yes |
Location of licence service. |
SAI_WCFServiceLocation |
varchar(200) |
Yes |
Location of WCF service. |
SAI_ReturnRequest |
bit |
((0)) |
Information whether service requests for return of its roles. |
SAI_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Time of insert. |
SAI_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Time of last update. |
SAI_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Row version |
SAI_IsInServiceHour |
bit |
((0)) |
Information about maintenance mode. |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_Services_ID_ServiceActivityInfos_RolesRunnerID |
ServiceActivityInfos |
Services_PK |
FK_Services_ID_ServiceActivityInfos_ServiceID |
ServiceActivityInfos |
Services_PK |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_ServiceActivityInfos |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
IX_U_ServiceActivityInfos_ServiceID |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
SB_BackupServiceID |
int |
Service from the SB_BackupServiceID column will take over the roles of the service from the SB_SourceServiceID column for the same row on the failover procedure. Identifier which refers to a row in Services table |
SB_SourceServiceID |
int |
Service from the SB_SourceServiceID column whose roles will be taken over by service from the SB_BackupServiceID column for the same row on the failover procedure. Identifier which refers to a row in Services table |
SB_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
SB_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
SB_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ServiceBackups_BackupServiceID_Services_ID |
ServiceBackups |
Services_PK |
FK_ServiceBackups_SourceServiceID_Services_ID |
ServiceBackups |
Services_PK |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_ServicesFailover |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_ServiceBackups_BackupServiceID_SourceServiceID |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Row identifier |
SD_ServiceID |
int |
Service identifier |
SD_ContentDatabaseID |
int |
Content database identifier |
SD_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
SD_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
SD_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ServiceDatabases_SD_ContentDatabaseID |
ServiceDatabases |
PK_ContentDatabases |
FK_ServiceDatabases_SD_ServiceID |
ServiceDatabases |
Services_PK |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_ServiceDatabases |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_ServiceDatabases_ContentDatabaseID_ServiceID |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
SE_ServiceID |
int |
Service identifier which refers to a row in Services table |
SE_RestartRequest |
bit |
((0)) |
Restart request |
SE_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
SE_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
SE_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ServiceEvents_Services |
ServiceEvents |
Services_PK |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_ServiceEvents |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_ServiceEvents_Services |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
HB_ServiceID |
int |
Service identifier which refers to a row in Services table |
HB_Value |
datetime |
('19000101') |
Service last activity time |
HB_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
HB_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
HB_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
HB_RestartRequest |
bit |
((0)) |
Restart request |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ServiceHeartbeats_Services |
ServiceHeartbeats |
Services_PK |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_ServiceHeartbeats |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_ServiceHeartbeats_Services |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
SR_RoleID |
int |
Service role identifier which refers to a row in DicRoles table |
SR_ServiceID |
int |
Service identifier which refers to a row in Services table |
SR_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
SR_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
SR_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ServiceRoles_RoleID_Roles_ID |
ServiceRoles |
PK_DicRoles |
FK_ServiceRoles_ServiceID_Services_ID |
ServiceRoles |
Services_PK |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_ServiceRoles |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_ServiceRoles_RoleID_ServiceID |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
S_ID |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
S_Name |
varchar(200) |
Service name |
S_IsBackup |
bit |
((1)) |
Indicates if service is a backup |
S_MaxOcrThreadsCount |
int |
((1)) |
Maximum number of OCR threads |
S_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
S_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
S_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
S_LogDiagnostics |
bit |
((0)) |
Diagnostics logs |
S_TemporaryFilesDirectory |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Column contains path to directory in which service will keep its temporary files |
S_OcrTextLayerThreads |
int |
((1)) |
Number of threads in service OCR Text Layer |
S_OcrMaestroThreads |
int |
((1)) |
Number of threads in service Maestro OCR |
S_OcrAiLearnThreads |
int |
((1)) |
Number of threads in service OCR AI Learn |
S_OcrAiLearnFieldThreads |
int |
((1)) |
Number of threads in service OCR AI for field parallel learn in one document |
S_RecurrentActionsThreads |
int |
((4)) |
Number of threads in service Recurrent actions |
S_ArchiveThreads |
int |
((1)) |
Number of threads in service Archive elements |
S_ArchivingDeleteTimeout |
int |
((300)) |
Archiving delete Webcon BPS timeout in seconds |
S_UseHddInArchiving |
bit |
((0)) |
Archiving use hdd to store temp files |
S_MobilePushNotificationsThreads |
int |
((4)) |
Number of threads in service Mobile Push Notifications |
S_PersonalDataRemovalThreads |
int |
((1)) |
Number of threads for personal data removal action |
S_SolrIndexerThreads |
int |
((4)) |
Number of threads in service Solr Indexer |
S_SolrIndexerBatchSize |
int |
((500)) |
Number of workflow instances to download at once by service Solr Indexer |
S_SolrIndexerElementThreads |
int |
((4)) |
Number of threads processing one workflow instance in service Solr Indexer |
S_AiAnalysisThreads |
int |
((4)) |
Number of AI Analysis threads |
S_SolrIndexerSqlTimeout |
int |
((300)) |
SQL timeout in seconds for Solr Indexer |
S_SolrIndexerConnectionErrorAttemptsNumber |
int |
((10)) |
Number of attempts for thread when SOLR connection error occured |
S_SolrIndexerConnectionErrorThreadSleep |
int |
((60)) |
Time in seconds for thread to sleep when SOLR connection error occured |
S_ExecutionTimeout |
int |
((120)) |
Time in seconds to timeout for path transition or save operation |
S_SolrIndexerRequestTimeout |
int |
((300)) |
HTTP connection to SOLR server timeout in seconds for Solr Indexer |
S_WcfLocation |
varchar(255) |
WCF endpoint address configuration |
S_SolrIndexerQueueQueryPlanResetTimeout |
int |
((900)) |
Solr indexer queue query plan reset timeout |
S_MasterQueueInterval |
int |
((10)) |
Common queues interval |
S_TimeoutActionsThreads |
int |
((1)) |
Number of threads in service element Webcon BPS timeout actions |
S_MassNotificationsThreads |
int |
((1)) |
Number of mass notification threads |
S_WcfCertConfig |
varbinary(MAX) |
Yes |
Certificate used to authenticate the Portal to the WCF Service. |
S_LicenceServiceLocation |
varchar(255) |
WCF license endpoint address configuration |
S_OcrTextLayerLogPath |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
FineReader component additional logs full path |
S_NetBiosName |
nvarchar(256) |
Service user name in NETBios format |
S_UserPrincipalName |
nvarchar(1024) |
Yes |
Service user name in UPN format |
S_EmailsThreads |
int |
((1)) |
Number of Emails threads |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_Services_ID_ServiceActivityInfos_RolesRunnerID |
ServiceActivityInfos |
Services_PK |
FK_Services_ID_ServiceActivityInfos_ServiceID |
ServiceActivityInfos |
Services_PK |
FK_ServiceBackups_BackupServiceID_Services_ID |
ServiceBackups |
Services_PK |
FK_ServiceBackups_SourceServiceID_Services_ID |
ServiceBackups |
Services_PK |
FK_ServiceDatabases_SD_ServiceID |
ServiceDatabases |
Services_PK |
FK_ServiceEvents_Services |
ServiceEvents |
Services_PK |
FK_ServiceHeartbeats_Services |
ServiceHeartbeats |
Services_PK |
FK_ServiceRoles_ServiceID_Services_ID |
ServiceRoles |
Services_PK |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
SES_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
SES_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
SES_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
SES_SessionId |
varchar(36) |
Identifier of the authorization session |
SES_SessionKey |
varchar(255) |
Key of the authorization session |
SES_IsAuthorized |
bit |
((0)) |
A flag indicating whether the session is authorized |
SES_ExpirationTime |
datetime |
Date after which the session expires |
SES_UserLogin |
varchar(255) |
Login of user that the session belongs to |
SES_AdditionalData |
varchar(MAX) |
Contains information about objects related to this session |
SES_Type |
int |
Session type |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
SHI_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
SHI_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
SHI_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
SHI_SharedBy |
varchar(255) |
User that shared workflow instance |
SHI_Email |
varchar(255) |
Email of user the worflow instance was shared with |
int |
Shared workflow instance Id |
int |
Yes |
Id of action that shared workflow instance |
SHI_ShareAuthkey |
varchar(22) |
Share Id used for authentication |
SHI_StartShareMode |
int |
Share mode set on creation |
SHI_ShareMode |
int |
Current share mode |
SHI_Login |
varchar(255) |
Virtual user login |
SHI_DisplayName |
varchar(255) |
Virtual user display name |
SHI_EmailSent |
bit |
Link sharing flag - shared by email otherwise manually |
SHI_ClosedOn |
datetime |
Yes |
Share close date and time if closed manually |
SHI_ClosedBy |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
User that closed sharing if closed manually |
SHI_ExpireOn |
datetime |
Yes |
Share expiration date and time |
int |
Shared workflow definition Id |
SHI_FailedAttemptsExceededDateTime |
datetime |
Yes |
Date and time when shared instance was locked due to too many failed authorization attempts |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_SharedInstances_WFDefinitions |
SharedInstances |
PK_WFDefinitions |
FK_SharedInstances_WFElements |
SharedInstances |
PK_WFData |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_SharedInstances |
Yes |
Yes |
0 |
IX_SharedInstances_ShareAuthkey |
0 |
IX_SharedInstances_WFDID |
0 |
IX_SharedInstances_SHI_DEFID |
0 |
IX_SharedInstances_Login |
0 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Row identifier |
int |
Identifier of related row from UsersCals table |
int |
Identifier of related row from ContentDatabases table used to distinct Process |
SSC_ProcessID |
int |
Process identifier |
SSC_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
SSC_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
SSC_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_SingleSolutionCals_ContentDatabases |
SingleSolutionCals |
PK_ContentDatabases |
FK_SingleSolutionCals_UsersCals |
SingleSolutionCals |
PK_UsersCals |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_SingleSolutionCals |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
Unique_ProcessID_CDID_UCLID_SingleSolutionCals |
Yes |
0 |
IX_SingleSolutionCals_SSC_UCLID |
0 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
SIQ_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
SIQ_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
SIQ_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
int |
Yes |
Element Id |
SIQ_Operation |
int |
Operation type Id |
SIQ_DateFrom |
datetime |
Yes |
Date range from which elements will be indexed. |
SIQ_DateTo |
datetime |
Yes |
Date range to which elements will be indexed. |
SIQ_Config |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Configuration |
SIQ_DateStart |
datetime |
Yes |
Date of indexing start |
SIQ_Priority |
int |
Priority |
SIQ_Status |
int |
((0)) |
Status |
SIQ_ServiceName |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Processing service name |
SIQ_AttemptsNumber |
int |
((0)) |
Attempts number |
SIQ_LastAttemptTime |
datetime |
Yes |
Last attempt time |
SIQ_LastError |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Last error |
SIQ_ThreadId |
int |
Yes |
Processing Thread Id for SOLR indexing |
SIQ_ProcessingFinishedTime |
datetime |
Yes |
Processing finished time |
int |
Yes |
ID of process to index |
SIQ_ActivityXml |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Additional data used when indexing BPS activities |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_SolrIndexerQueueItems_DicIndexingOperations |
SolrIndexerQueueItems |
PK_DicIndexingOperations |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
SUBD_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
SUBD_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
SUBD_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
SUBD_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
SUBD_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
int |
Reference to substitution |
int |
Yes |
Database identifier |
int |
Yes |
Application identifier |
int |
Process identifier |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_SubstitutionDetails_ContentDatabases |
SubstitutionDetails |
PK_ContentDatabases |
FK_SubstitutionDetails_Substitutions |
SubstitutionDetails |
PK_Substitutions |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
SUB_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
SUB_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
SUB_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
SUB_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
SUB_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
SUB_IsDeleted |
bit |
((0)) |
Is record deleted |
SUB_Person |
nvarchar(255) |
Person being substituted |
SUB_Substitute |
varchar(255) |
Person substituting |
SUB_SubstitutionStart |
datetime |
Substitution start date |
SUB_SubstitutionEnd |
datetime |
Substitution end date |
SUB_IsActive |
bit |
((1)) |
Is substitution active |
int |
Yes |
Identifier of company with substitution |
int |
Yes |
content database id on which company structure is defined or that defines dbid for workflow element |
SUB_SubstitutionType |
int |
((1)) |
Substitution type |
SUB_SubstitutionTriggerType |
int |
((1)) |
Substitution trigger type |
int |
Yes |
Substitution reference to workflow element (set only if triggered by action) |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_Substitutions_ContentDatabases |
Substitutions |
PK_ContentDatabases |
FK_SubstitutionDetails_Substitutions |
SubstitutionDetails |
PK_Substitutions |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
SEM_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
SEM_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
SEM_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Last modifier |
SEM_Value |
varchar(50) |
Column with value to be updated by each process. |
SEM_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Record identifier |
TMP_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Insert date |
TMP_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
TMP_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
TMP_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
TMP_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Row version |
TMP_UniqueID |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
File identifier |
TMP_Content |
varbinary(MAX) |
File content |
TMP_FileName |
varchar(255) |
File name |
TMP_Permissions |
varchar(1000) |
Yes |
Users who have access to file |
TMP_ExpirationDate |
datetime |
Yes |
File expiration date |
TMP_AccessType |
int |
Yes |
One-time or unlimited access |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
TTL_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TTL_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
TTL_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
TTL_FRInternalName |
varchar(50) |
Fine Reader internal supported language name |
TTL_EnglishName |
varchar(50) |
English supported language name |
TTL_PolishName |
varchar(50) |
Polish supported language name |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Row ID |
TLQ_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Time of insert |
TLQ_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Time of update |
TLQ_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Row version |
TLQ_Priority |
int |
Priority |
TLQ_ServiceName |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Processing service name |
int |
Foreign key to WFDataAttachmets |
TLQ_Status |
int |
((0)) |
Status |
TLQ_AttemptsNumber |
int |
((0)) |
Attempts number |
TLQ_LastAttemptTime |
datetime |
Yes |
Last attempt name |
TLQ_LastError |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Last error |
TLQ_ThreadId |
int |
Yes |
Processing Thread Id for Text Layer in OCR |
TLQ_LastUploadAttemptTime |
datetime |
Yes |
Last upload attempt time |
TLQ_ProcessingFinishedTime |
datetime |
Yes |
Processing finished time |
TLQ_UploadFinishedTime |
datetime |
Yes |
Upload finished time |
int |
Foreign key to WFActions |
TLQ_SectionGuid |
varchar(36) |
Yes |
Action section GUID |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_TextLayerQueueItems_WFActions |
TextLayerQueueItems |
PK_WFActions |
FK_TextLayerQueueItems_WFDataAttachmets |
TextLayerQueueItems |
PK_WFDataAttachmets |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_TextLayerQueueItems |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_TextLayerQueueItems_WFDataAttachmets |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
THE_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
THE_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
THE_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
THE_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
THE_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
THE_Name |
varchar(30) |
Name |
THE_Description |
varchar(1000) |
Description |
THE_IsDefault |
bit |
((0)) |
Is a default theme |
THE_IsActive |
bit |
((1)) |
Is an active theme |
THE_Configuration |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Configuration data in JSON |
THE_LogoContent |
varbinary(MAX) |
Yes |
Logo binary data |
THE_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
BPS environment (DEV/TEST/PROD) independent identifier |
THE_ApplicationBackgroundContent |
varbinary(MAX) |
Yes |
Binnary content for application background image |
THE_PortalBackgroundContent |
varbinary(MAX) |
Yes |
Binnary content for portal background image |
THE_IsSystem |
bit |
((0)) |
Is system theme |
THE_IsEmbedDefault |
bit |
((0)) |
A value indicating whether the theme is default for embedded views |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Tile identifier |
int |
Yes |
Identifier of the related process |
int |
Yes |
Identifier of the related document type |
int |
Yes |
Identifier of the related workflow |
TIL_Name |
varchar(50) |
Tile name |
TIL_Description |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Tile description |
TIL_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Date of adding |
TIL_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Modification date |
TIL_User |
varchar(255) |
Login of user submitting the tile |
TIL_UserName |
varchar(255) |
Name of user submitting the tile |
TIL_StartInBrowser |
bit |
((0)) |
Configuration of starting in browser |
TIL_Order |
int |
((0)) |
Order of the tile |
TIL_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Row version |
int |
Yes |
Related path id from WFAvaiblePaths |
int |
Yes |
Company ID |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_TilesConfigurations_Companies |
TilesConfigurations |
PK_Companies |
FK_TilesConfigurations_WFDefinitions |
TilesConfigurations |
PK_WFDefinitions |
FK_TilesConfigurations_WFDocTypes |
TilesConfigurations |
PK_WFDocTypes |
FK_TilesConfigurations_WFAvaiblePaths |
TilesConfigurations |
PK_WFAvaiblePaths |
FK_TilesConfigurations_WorkFlows |
TilesConfigurations |
PK_WorkFlows |
FK_TilesMappings_TilesConfigurations |
TilesMappings |
PK_TilesConfigurations |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_TilesMappings_TilesConfigurations |
TilesMappings |
PK_TilesConfigurations |
FK_TilesMappings_WFConfigurations |
TilesMappings |
PK_WFConfigurations |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
TODO_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TODO_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
TODO_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
TODO_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
TODO_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
int |
Yes |
Foreign key to WFApplications table |
TODO_Status |
int |
((0)) |
Status of ToDo |
TODO_ObjectTypeCFTID |
int |
Yes |
Type of associated object |
TODO_ObjectId |
int |
Yes |
ID of associated object |
TODO_Value |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
ToDo details |
TODO_Guid |
varchar(36) |
Globally Unique Identifier |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_ToDoItems_WFApplications |
ToDoItems |
PK_WFApplications |
FK_ToDoItems_ConfigurationTables |
ToDoItems |
PK_ConfigurationTables |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_ToDoItems |
Yes |
Yes |
0 |
0 |
IX_TODO_ObjectTypeCFTID_ObjectId |
0 |
UQ_ToDoItems_ObjectTypeCFTID_ObjectId |
Yes |
0 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
LAN_Name |
varchar(50) |
Yes |
Language name |
LAN_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Row insert date |
LAN_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Row update date |
LAN_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Row version |
LAN_Guid |
varchar(36) |
Global unique id for language based on MD5 from LAN_NAME |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_MassNotifications_TranslateLanguages_NewUserNotificationLanguage |
MassNotifications |
PK_TransalateLanguages |
FK_MassNotifications_TranslateLanguages_NotificationLanguage |
MassNotifications |
PK_TransalateLanguages |
FK_Transalates_TransalateLanguages |
Translates |
PK_TransalateLanguages |
FK_WFApplications_LANID_TranslateLanguages |
WFApplications |
PK_TransalateLanguages |
FK_WFApplications_NewUserLANID_TranslateLanguages |
WFApplications |
PK_TransalateLanguages |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_TransalateLanguages |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_TranslateLanguages_Name |
Yes |
0 |
UQ_TranslateLanguages_Guid |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
int |
Related DicTranslationsObjects identifier |
int |
Related DicTranslationsObjects identifier |
int |
Related TranslateLanguages identifier |
TRANS_Name |
nvarchar(MAX) |
Translation value |
TRANS_Description |
varchar(2000) |
Yes |
Translation description |
TRANS_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
TRANS_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
TRANS_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
TRANS_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Entry unique identifier for import export mechanism |
int |
Yes |
ID of process which contains the translation |
int |
Yes |
ID of application which contains the translation |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_Translates_WFApplications |
Translates |
PK_WFApplications |
FK_Translates_WFDefinitions |
Translates |
PK_WFDefinitions |
FK_Transalates_TransalateLanguages |
Translates |
PK_TransalateLanguages |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_Transalates |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
Yes |
100 |
Yes |
100 |
IX_Translates_OBJID_DEFID |
0 |
UQ_Translates_Guid |
Yes |
100 |
IX_Translates_DEFID |
100 |
IX_Translates_APPID |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
bigint |
Yes |
Identifier |
USL_Guid |
varchar(50) |
Usage log guid |
USL_Throttled |
bit |
((0)) |
Indicated if usage log was logged due to throttling event |
USL_ThrottleLog |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Log of operation which caused throttling, empty if log is not due to throttling event |
USL_OperationsLog |
varchar(MAX) |
Full log of operations in current sample |
USL_Flops |
int |
Current operations count defined in bps flops units |
USL_Timestamp |
datetime |
Timestamp of usage log generation |
USL_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
USL_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
USL_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
USL_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
USL_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
varchar(255) |
BPS Identifier |
int |
Yes |
Portal language packs identifier |
UPF_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
UPF_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
UPF_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
UPF_HideDeskTour |
bit |
((0)) |
Determines if designer desk tour tips should be hided |
UPF_Picture |
varbinary(MAX) |
Yes |
Column which contains the user's photo. |
UPF_AllowMassNotifications |
bit |
((1)) |
Column which contains information on whether the user wants to receive mass notifications. |
UPF_Theme |
varchar(36) |
Yes |
Column contains guid of theme chosen by user |
UPF_PushNotificationsPreferences |
int |
((2)) |
User preferences for pushes |
UPF_PhoneNumber |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
User's phone number |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_UserProfiles_PortalLanguagePacks |
UserProfiles |
PK_PortalLanguagePacks |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
USQ_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
USQ_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
USQ_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
USQ_Priority |
int |
Priority |
USQ_ServiceName |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Processing service name |
USQ_Status |
int |
((0)) |
Status |
USQ_AttemptsNumber |
int |
((0)) |
Attempts number |
USQ_LastAttemptTime |
datetime |
Yes |
Last attempt time |
USQ_LastError |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Last error |
USQ_ThreadId |
int |
Yes |
Processing Thread Id for synchronization |
USQ_ProcessingFinishedTime |
datetime |
Yes |
Processing finished time |
USQ_Users |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
User logins to synchronize, or all users if NULL |
USQ_Mode |
int |
((0)) |
Synchronization mode:
0 - All users mode from config
1 - All users full
2 - All users diff
3 - Selected users |
USQ_IsDebug |
bit |
((0)) |
Debug mode is much slower but has additional logging |
USQ_Reason |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
The reason for starting given synchronization task |
USQ_SectionGuid |
varchar(36) |
Yes |
Action section GUID |
int |
Yes |
ID of an element on which action was fired |
int |
Yes |
Action ID |
USQ_CustomPath |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Path to the folder with AAD Json files |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_UserSynchronizationQueueItems |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
varchar(450) |
BPS ID, as in the CacheOrganizationStructure table |
UCL_LicenseType |
int |
Integer denoted license type |
UCL_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
GUID of this entity |
UCL_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
UCL_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
UCL_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
UCL_AllowDesignerDeskProjectCreation |
bit |
((0)) |
Determines if user is allowed to create new projects |
UCL_AllowDesignerDeskProjectPublishing |
bit |
((0)) |
Determines if user is allowed to publish existing projects |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_SingleSolutionCals_UsersCals |
SingleSolutionCals |
PK_UsersCals |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_UsersCals |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_UsersCals_Guid |
Yes |
100 |
IX_UsersCals_BpsID_LicenseType |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
int |
Action identifier |
int |
Business rule identifier |
ABR_PropertyID |
int |
Action configuration property identifier |
ABR_PropertyOrder |
int |
Yes |
Action configuration property order |
ABR_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Global unique ID |
ABR_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
ABR_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
ABR_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_WFActionBusinessRules_WFActions |
WFActionBusinessRules |
PK_WFActions |
FK_WFActionBusinessRules_WFBusinessRuleDefinitions |
WFActionBusinessRules |
PK_WFBusinessRuleDefinitions |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_WFActionBusinessRules |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_WFActionBusinessRules_Guid |
Yes |
100 |
IX_WFActionBusinessRules_ABR_BRDID |
100 |
IX_WFActionBusinessRules_ABR_ACTID |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Action button group identifier |
ABG_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
ABG_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
ABG_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
ABG_Name |
nvarchar(256) |
Yes |
Group name |
int |
Yes |
Related workflow Id for global actions group |
int |
Yes |
Related step Id for step actions group |
ABG_Description |
nvarchar(512) |
Yes |
Group description |
ABG_Order |
int |
((0)) |
Order number |
ABG_IconMode |
int |
((0)) |
- 0 stands for custom icon url from IconUrl column,
- 1 stands for SP predefined icon. |
ABG_IconChoice |
int |
((0)) |
Predefined icon id. |
ABG_Icon |
nvarchar(256) |
Yes |
Icon button |
ABG_Guid |
nvarchar(36) |
Yes |
(newid()) |
Global unique ID |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_WFActionButtonGroups_WFSteps |
WFActionButtonGroups |
PK_WFSteps |
FK_WFActionButtonGroups_WorkFlows |
WFActionButtonGroups |
PK_WorkFlows |
FK_WFActionButtons_WFActionButtonGroups_ABGID |
WFActionButtons |
PK_WFActionButtonGroups |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_WFActionButtonGroups |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_WFActionButtonGroups_Guid |
Yes |
100 |
IX_WFActionButtonGroups_ABG_WFID |
100 |
IX_WFActionButtonGroups_ABG_STPID |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Action button identifier |
ACB_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
ACB_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
ACB_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
int |
Yes |
Related step Id for step action button |
int |
Yes |
Related workflow Id for global actions button |
ACB_Name |
nvarchar(50) |
Yes |
Action button name |
ACB_Description |
nvarchar(1000) |
Yes |
Action button description name |
ACB_Order |
int |
Button order |
ACB_Guid |
nvarchar(36) |
Yes |
(newid()) |
Global unique ID |
ACB_ConfirmExecutionMessage |
nvarchar(MAX) |
Yes |
A message that shows up after execution all actions in button |
ACB_ConfirmExecution |
bit |
((0)) |
Determines if should show message after button actions execution |
ACB_ConfirmBeforeExecutionMessage |
nvarchar(MAX) |
Yes |
A message that appears as a confirmation question before the actions are executed |
ACB_ConfirmBeforeExecution |
bit |
((0)) |
Determines if should show confirmation question before actions execution |
ACB_Icon |
nvarchar(200) |
Yes |
Icon button |
ACB_IconMode |
int |
((0)) |
- 0 stands for custom icon url from IconUrl column,
- 1 stands for SP predefined icon. |
ACB_IconChoice |
int |
((0)) |
Predefined icon button identifier |
ACB_IsVisibleBRDID |
int |
Yes |
Business rule ID that determines button visibility |
int |
Yes |
Related action button group ID |
int |
Yes |
Foreign key to ux business rule defining a javascript function to be executed on action button click, before execution of all actions |
int |
Yes |
Automation identifier |
ACB_DeskRestrictions |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Action buttons restrictions for Designer Desk |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_WFActionButtons_WFActionButtonGroups_ABGID |
WFActionButtons |
PK_WFActionButtonGroups |
FK_WFActionButtons_Automations |
WFActionButtons |
PK_Automations |
FK_WFActionButtons_WFBusinessRuleDefinitions_IsVisibleBRDID |
WFActionButtons |
PK_WFBusinessRuleDefinitions |
FK_WFActionButtons_WFBusinessRuleDefinitions_JsOnClickBRDID |
WFActionButtons |
PK_WFBusinessRuleDefinitions |
FK_WFActionButtons_WFSteps |
WFActionButtons |
PK_WFSteps |
FK_WFActionButtons_WorkFlows |
WFActionButtons |
PK_WorkFlows |
FK_WFActions_WFActionButtons |
WFActions |
PK_WFActionButtons |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_WFActionButtons |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_WFActionButtons_Guid |
Yes |
100 |
IX_WFActionButtons_ACB_WFID |
100 |
IX_WFActionButtons_ACB_STPID |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
int |
Yes |
Related WFDefinitions identifier |
int |
Yes |
Related WFElements identifier |
int |
Yes |
Information about executed action |
int |
Yes |
Related WFSteps identifier |
int |
Yes |
Related WFActions identifier |
LOG_Status |
int |
Yes |
Execution status (Information = 0, OK = 1, Error = 2, Exception = 3) |
LOG_Name |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Name of action execution |
LOG_Description |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Description |
LOG_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
LOG_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
LOG_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
int |
Yes |
Related Workflows identifier |
LOG_AdditionalMessage |
nvarchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Additional information displayed e.g. in the case of custom actions |
LOG_ActionSucceeded |
bit |
((1)) |
Information if the action was correctly executed |
LOG_SectionGuid |
varchar(36) |
Yes |
(newid()) |
Section guid |
LOG_Duration |
int |
Yes |
Action execution time |
LOG_ActionType |
int |
Yes |
Related DicActionTypes identifier |
LOG_TransactionType |
int |
Yes |
Action transaction type |
LOG_ParentActionID |
int |
Yes |
Related WFActions identifier - parent action |
LOG_ShowOnlyInAdminMode |
bit |
((0)) |
Show only in admin mode |
LOG_CompressedDescription |
varbinary(MAX) |
Yes |
Compressed description |
LOG_CompressedAdditionalMessage |
varbinary(MAX) |
Yes |
Compressed additional description |
int |
Yes |
Column with action button id |
int |
Yes |
Reference to related Automation execution details from table AutomationSessionExecutions |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_WFActionExecutions_DicActionTypes |
WFActionExecutions |
PK_DicActionTypes |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
int |
Yes |
Step identifier on which the action is executed |
int |
Yes |
WFPlugin identifier used by the action |
int |
Yes |
Path identifier on which the action is executed |
ACT_Name |
varchar(50) |
Action name |
ACT_ActionKindID |
int |
Action kind. All available kinds can be found in DicActionKinds table |
ACT_ActionTypeID |
int |
Action type. All available types can be found in DicActionTypes table |
ACT_Order |
int |
Action execution order |
ACT_Configuration |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Configuration of a given action in the XML format |
ACT_Description |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Description |
ACT_PluginControl |
varchar(100) |
Yes |
ACT_PluginMethod |
varchar(50) |
Yes |
ACT_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Row insert date |
ACT_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Row update date |
ACT_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Row version |
int |
Yes |
The workflow to which the action belongs, set for global actions |
ACT_LogExecution |
bit |
((1)) |
Determines if the information about action execution should be saved |
int |
Yes |
Cycle identifier of cyclical actions |
ACT_IsActive |
bit |
((1)) |
Determines if this action is active |
ACT_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Action GUID |
ACT_IsPattern |
bit |
((0)) |
Determines if this action is a pattern |
int |
Yes |
Pattern action identifier |
int |
Yes |
The process to which the action belongs to, set for action templates |
ACT_ActivationBRDID |
int |
Yes |
Action activation business rule identifier |
int |
Yes |
Related action button identifier |
ACT_DeskRestrictions |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Actions restrictions for designer desk |
int |
Yes |
Automation ID |
ACT_ErrorMessage |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Error runtime handling: Error Message |
ACT_ErrorCode |
int |
((100)) |
Error runtime handling: Error code |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_WFActions_WFActionButtons |
WFActions |
PK_WFActionButtons |
FK_WFActions_WFActions |
WFActions |
PK_WFActions |
FK_WFActions_DicActionKinds |
WFActions |
PK_DicActionKinds |
FK_WFActions_DicActionTypes |
WFActions |
PK_DicActionTypes |
FK_WFActions_WFBusinessRuleDefinitions_ACT_ActivationBRDID |
WFActions |
PK_WFBusinessRuleDefinitions |
FK_WFActions_Automations |
WFActions |
PK_Automations |
FK_WFActions_WFDefinitions |
WFActions |
PK_WFDefinitions |
FK_WFActions_WFAvaiblePaths |
WFActions |
PK_WFAvaiblePaths |
FK_WFActions_WFPlugIns |
WFActions |
PK_WFPlugIns |
FK_WFActions_WFRecurrentActionsDefinitions |
WFActions |
PK_WFRecurrentActionsDefinitions |
FK_WFActions_WFSteps |
WFActions |
PK_WFSteps |
FK_WFActions_WorkFlows |
WFActions |
PK_WorkFlows |
FK_ArchiveQueueItems_WFActions |
ArchiveQueueItems |
PK_WFActions |
FK_ConfiguredWebServices_WFActions |
ConfiguredWebServices |
PK_WFActions |
FK_OcrAiLearnQueueItems_WFActions |
OcrAiLearnQueueItems |
PK_WFActions |
FK_OcrAiQueueItems_WFActions |
OcrAiQueueItems |
PK_WFActions |
FK_PersonalDataRemovalQueueItems_WFActions |
PersonalDataRemovalQueueItems |
PK_WFActions |
FK_TextLayerQueueItems_WFActions |
TextLayerQueueItems |
PK_WFActions |
FK_WFActionBusinessRules_WFActions |
WFActionBusinessRules |
PK_WFActions |
FK_WFActions_WFActions |
WFActions |
PK_WFActions |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_WFApplicationCheckouts_WFApplications |
WFApplicationCheckouts |
PK_WFApplications |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_WFApplicationCheckouts |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
APP_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
APP_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
APP_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
APP_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Guid of application |
int |
WFApplicationsGroups foreign key |
APP_Name |
varchar(50) |
Name of application |
APP_Description |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Description of application |
APP_TemplateID |
int |
((1)) |
Defines type of application template |
int |
Yes |
Application language foreign key |
APP_ApplicationLanguageType |
int |
((1)) |
Column determines whether application language is set from global settings or directly from browser |
APP_Supervisor |
varchar(1000) |
Yes |
Application supervisor |
APP_IsCustomSupervisor |
bit |
((0)) |
Application has custom supervisor |
APP_Abbreviation |
varchar(3) |
Yes |
Application abbreviation |
APP_Color |
varchar(8) |
('FFFFA435') |
Application color |
APP_CustomSupervisorImage |
varbinary(MAX) |
Yes |
Application custom supervisor image |
APP_CustomSupervisorName |
varchar(1000) |
Yes |
Application custom supervisor full name |
APP_CustomSupervisorJobTitle |
varchar(1000) |
Yes |
Application custom supervisor job title |
APP_CustomSupervisorDepartment |
varchar(1000) |
Yes |
Application custom supervisor department |
APP_CustomSupervisorPhone |
varchar(1000) |
Yes |
Application custom supervisor phone |
APP_CustomSupervisorMail |
varchar(1000) |
Yes |
Application custom supervisor mail |
APP_SaveStamp |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Save stamp |
int |
Yes |
Notification language for new users |
APP_NewUserLanguageType |
int |
((1)) |
Determines type of new users notification language with default value from globalsettings |
APP_Stage |
int |
((1)) |
Application Stage |
APP_ProjectPrivileges |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
Designer desk project privileges description |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_WFApplications_WFApplicationsGroups |
WFApplications |
PK_WFApplicationsGroups |
FK_WFApplications_LANID_TranslateLanguages |
WFApplications |
PK_TransalateLanguages |
FK_WFApplications_NewUserLANID_TranslateLanguages |
WFApplications |
PK_TransalateLanguages |
FK_WFApplications_DicApplicationStages |
WFApplications |
PK_DicApplicationStages |
FK_WFApplications_DicApplicationTemplates |
WFApplications |
PK_DicApplicationTemplates |
FK_AppDashboards_WFApplications |
AppDashboards |
PK_WFApplications |
FK_AppDataConnectionAssocs_WFApplications |
AppDataConnectionAssocs |
PK_WFApplications |
FK_AppDataSourceAssocs_WFApplications |
AppDataSourceAssocs |
PK_WFApplications |
FK_AppReports_WFApplications |
AppReports |
PK_WFApplications |
FK_AppStarts_WFApplications |
AppStarts |
PK_WFApplications |
FK_ChangeRequests_WFApplications |
ChangeRequests |
PK_WFApplications |
FK_PushNotificationsApplications |
PushNotificationsApplications |
PK_WFApplications |
FK_ToDoItems_WFApplications |
ToDoItems |
PK_WFApplications |
FK_Translates_WFApplications |
Translates |
PK_WFApplications |
FK_WFApplicationCheckouts_WFApplications |
WFApplicationCheckouts |
PK_WFApplications |
FK_WFApplicationsLinkedProcesses_WFApplications |
WFApplicationsLinkedProcesses |
PK_WFApplications |
FK_WFConfigurationSecurities_WFApplications |
WFConfigurationSecurities |
PK_WFApplications |
FK_WFDefinitions_WFApplications |
WFDefinitions |
PK_WFApplications |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
AGR_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
AGR_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
AGR_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
AGR_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Guid of application group |
AGR_Name |
varchar(50) |
Name of application group |
AGR_IsSystem |
int |
((0)) |
Defines whether application group is a system group |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_WFApplications_WFApplicationsGroups |
WFApplications |
PK_WFApplicationsGroups |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_WFApplicationsGroups |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_WFApplicationsGroups_Guid |
Yes |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
int |
WFApplications foreign key |
int |
WFDefinitions foreign key |
ALP_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
ALP_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
ALP_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
ALP_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Guid of association |
ALP_CreatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Author |
ALP_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Last modifier |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_WFApplicationsLinkedProcesses_WFApplications |
WFApplicationsLinkedProcesses |
PK_WFApplications |
FK_WFApplicationsLinkedProcesses_WFDefinitions |
WFApplicationsLinkedProcesses |
PK_WFDefinitions |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_WFApplicationsLinkedProcesses |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_WFApplicationsLinkedProcesses_Guid |
Yes |
100 |
IX_WFApplicationsLinkedProcesses_ALP_DEFID |
100 |
IX_WFApplicationsLinkedProcesses_ALP_APPID |
100 |
Column Name |
Data Type |
Key? |
Nullable? |
Computed? |
Default |
Description |
int |
Yes |
Identifier |
int |
Yes |
ApprovalDefinition identifier which refers to a row in WFApprovalDefinitions table |
WAC_Values |
varchar(MAX) |
Yes |
ApprovalCommand values |
WAC_TSInsert |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Creation date |
WAC_TSUpdate |
datetime |
([dbo].[GetDbDate]()) |
Last modification date |
WAC_UpdatedBy |
varchar(255) |
Yes |
Last modifier |
WAC_RowVersion |
timestamp |
Yes |
Timestamp |
int |
Yes |
AvaiblePath identifier which refers to a row in WFAvaiblePaths table |
WAC_Guid |
varchar(36) |
(newid()) |
Entry unique identifier for import export mechanism |
Name |
Foreign Table |
Primary Key |
FK_WFApprovalCommands_WFAvaiblePaths |
WFApprovalCommands |
PK_WFAvaiblePaths |
FK_WFApprovalCommands_WFApprovalDefinitions |
WFApprovalCommands |
PK_WFApprovalDefinitions |
Name |
Unique |
Clustered |
Type |
Fill Factor |
PK_WFApprovalCommands |
Yes |
Yes |
100 |
UQ_WFApprovalCommands_Guid |
Yes |
100 |
IX_WFApprovalCommands_WAC_PATHID |
100 |